News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Introducing Michael-My New Love

It has been so long since I have written a Blog and so much has happened I hardly know where to start---so I’ll start at the end (meaning today) instead of the proverbial beginning.
Let me start by telling those of you who do not know that I have “fallen in love” with a premature 3 mo. old named Michael. Michael was named by the nurses in the Nursery (which is also the Maternity Ward) of the hospital where I work, but we only recently became acquainted as I am stationed in the Public Health Building, which is in a separate building.
. He was born the 18th of July, three months early, and his dear mother had a seizure condition and, sadly, died during the birth. Apparently his father has not visited the child and married another woman a week following his birth. The only family member that appears to care what happens to him is his 8 yr. old brother, who started bringing him cows milk whenever he can.
Until a month ago he was being fed with an NG tube, but he apparently fought so hard not to have it that the nurses started syringe feeding him. Now he takes a bottle and he is amazingly strong for a baby that weighed 2 lbs at birth and is now not even 3 lbs .
They had been giving him cow’s milk because formula is very expensive but just yesterday I purchased and made up a formula that will hopefully put some fat on his little body and fill him out a bit , because of the increased calorie intake. Time will tell.
Dr. Jerome, our medical director, had written a letter about Michael’s case that was read at Mass and it was decided that the collection taken today would be for Michael’s needs, which are basic, yet many. He needs formula, clothes that fit his tiny body and blankets (receiving and otherwise) to keep him warm.

Following a small portion of an email I recently wrote to Fr. Louis,BishopCallist’s secretary. and my friend:

Last evening when I went to take formula (Lordy, they are right, it is expensive!)to Michael, the nurses asked me if I would like to take him to Mass with me this am , as there would be a collection taken for him today. I, of course, was delighted and could hardly sleep I was so excited. He was dressed warmly and I carried all 3 lbs of him to church and Father had me bring him up to the altar when the collection was being taken. What joy I felt holding that tiny bundle,a true survivor in the tinniest form.
My camera batteries were down so no photo's to mark the occasion, especially when Maria Goretti appeared and held him in her arms. I may not have that actual photo but it is forever in my mind as a "mental" picture (a phrase someone I love and I coined many years ago).

.....How beautiful to see little children and elderly women with walking sticks and bare feet come to the altar to give their proverbial "last pence” to help this little child of God.
.....It has been a wonderful experience caring for this little one, watching Maria Goretti and our friendship blossom, as well as continuing my Quality Assurance work for the medicines those with HIV-AIDS depend on. And to add to that, this week I will begin the rapid HIV testing on "Outreaches " (being able to test women we were unable to reach before Dr. Kevin from the USA gave us free Rapid HIV- Tests)
.....It is all very exciting and fulfilling and I am very much aware how blessed and fortunate I really am to be in an exquisitely beautiful area of Uganda, or even Africa for that matter, serving gentle loving people who are willing to give their only money for Michaels needs with the consequence of being without a possible treat to eat or even walking miles to town, instead of taking a Boda-Boda( transport with a bicycle or motorcycle..
.......All I ever did as a child to help other children was have “Plays and Entertainment, which I produced, directed and probably starred in (is that right Peggy-ha?) to collect money for Bishop Sheens Poor Pagan Babies (never really having a clue what a poor pagan baby was-smile)And I can assure you that whatever I donated to this precious cause did not include my last cent!
.....Enjoy the photos of Michael and I, especially the one included of his little hand around my finger.
......Blessing to you all and thanks for the personal support and Care packages that are” on the way” for Baby Michael.

April Fools Day--in October ?

Last week I had the joy of playing a sorta April Fools joke (in Oct. ) on many of my friends. What fun I had putting together an email that was a bit misleading , to say the least .It arrived in two parts, the second part being quite a distance lower than part one and one needed to scroll down or they would miss it.
Well my ruse was quite successful and many friends never bothered to scroll down for the explanation of the email. HA! It was so much fun that I’ve decided to to share it with you , first the email then the responses from those who only read the top part, followed by Part 2 and the response as well. Enjoy, I sure have!

Friends Oct. 23, 2007

I have the most exciting news---I have fallen in love!!! I know it is against the rules, and it doesn't make any sense at all. He, of course he is Ugandan, much younger than I and as poor as a church mouse.
Language presents no barrier for Michael and I at all and although we have only just met,I can tell he is the one I've been waiting for all my life!
Be happy for me even if you think I have gone crazy, it is truly a "God thing"

Comments from Friends:

Oh my God!!!! How wonderful and happy I am for you. You go Girl!
............Mary Sunshine

Good for you! Tell me more................. Dr. Gladys McGarey

Fallen in love............and it's a "God Thang." Well, dearie, he'd better be very much younger, like under ten (10!!!!) or you're setting yourself up for a biglet-down. haha hehe ..........Bonnie Walker

Ahhhhh He is a Cancer... then he is okay, BUT is he younger even than Jacques???????? You said young... how young? Did you read about mercury in retrograde ... cause of your lost internet messages, but ALSO, relates to mis-communications between people..... so are you
reading him correctly.??
Oh dear, don't we ever get too old for foolishness?
What is his family situation...parents alive? brothers, sisters,
Does he have an education? Can he read and write? siggghhhh.
do his parents have land?

What is this foolishness that we continue to engage in. Oh well, at
least you know that you are still alive. ....................................................Joan Dickerson

That is wonderful news......Move slowly and take your time in matters of the heart and in the end it works it's magic if it is there. I will pray for your happiness in whatever you do and I always do anyway. Keep me posted.
............................................................................................Mary Shoaf (my cousin)

I think it's wonderful!!! Go for it!.................................. Carolyne Jones

You just make me more jealous every day. ..........................Lynn Powe

All is grace, eh?
Blessings, prayers, joy!
Love, Bob ................................................Br. Bob Smith

Yikes! I just opened this email, Marie. You are a never ending source of delight and goodness. If you, my friend say you are "in Love" I believe it. How radiant.
Tell me happy If you are truly ya bunches, mary ..............Mary Johns

OK.........How much younger, I am thinking that you have fallen in love with one of your I wrong? Is this Michael an adult, like sex and everything???
Love to you my friend,.................................................................... Cynthia Keller

Holy Bazooka's !!!
Many blessings, :-)
LW....................................................... Lindsay Wagner

.................................................Part Two of the email:

If you have stopped hyperventilating you can now read the rest of this email:
............OK Michael is a baby in the preemie ward of the hospital-HA. (which
is funny in itself as there is no such thing as a Preemie Ward). He
is 3 months and only weighs about 3lbs-now . At birth he weighed
0.9 kg, which is about 2lbs. Believe it or not I resisted meeting
him because no ever expected him to live. We have two incubators
here which are never used because no know how to use or fix them.
They are,rightly, concerned that they could do more damage than good
if they are used incorrectly. So they use their traditional method
of an isolete with two hot water bottles in it.
Somehow Michael has survived, unfortunately his mother seizured during
childbirth and died and his father has not even been in to see him.
Apparently the father married another woman only days after his wife
died .
Anyway last night I spent the first night in my new home, which I just
looooove. When I woke this am and opened the curtains to view the most
beautiful mountain I have ever seen, I knew that I was one lucky
I recalled a dream but I couldn't remember it exactly, until I got to
work and Sr.Justine and I were talking. It was about this sweet itsy
bitsy baby the nurses have named "Michael". So, I decided to go see him
at break time.
The nurses were very busy with all the woman in labor so were more than
happy to let me feed him. They only just got bottles(they were syringe
feeding him) and handed me a 4 oz. bottle of cows milk. This little guy
is still so tiny,I never expected he'd have the strength to suck but
suck he did, all 4 oz of it, while I sang Irish Lullibys to him.
..............................That's when it happen---I fell in love instantly...
........ Grace and I were in Kisoro and I was trying to buy some clothes for him and receiving blankets (even a tiny dress would do, as cross dressing is quite the thing here until a child is about 2 or 3 yrs. old) We couldn't find anything small enough. So I am requesting an $11.00 priority box with receiving blankets, tiny one piece, with feet clothes. Anything(undershirts) would be great! Color is not a problem, they don't have the pink for girls, blue for boys thing here as we do.
................Gotta get back for the evening feeding, I heard Michael is humming
................Tu-ra-lu-ra-lu-ra----Tu-ra-lu-ra-lie. (smile) It's an Irish lullaby
To Marie McGee
PO BOx # 26
St. Francis Hospital - Mutolere
Kisoro Uganda

..........................................Comments after reading Part Two:

Congratulations Rose.
Such love arouses a lot of hope. If only such love would be expressed to all the unborn, the disabled and most vulnerable in society, then the world would be the primordial paradise. God help us to have such love – Thorn ................................................Fr. Louis K (Uganda)

Dearest Marie,
Earlier today I read your email..Ionly saw the first part and I responded to great go for the younger man and tonight as I was brushing my teeth I was thinking about The movie” When Stella got her groove” on..older women with younger man movie . So I was going to reply now tonight after thinking how great it was that you found the love of your life in Africa when I saw that there was more to your email
Is it not great to be in love with a baby!.. I am Going to send you some goodies for that babe. I am so happy for you........................................................ Rebecca Southard

You didn't have me fooled for a minute! The “much younger” just gave it away............. Diana Sherrod

Ah, too much!
TOO much "space" after your sign-off... and I did NOT scroll down.
Thanks for the REST of the story and I have no doubt you have, then, multiple loves in your life!
All sounds good. Oh, how I would LOVE to get back to Africa for a visit, and a first
time visit to you... some day, some day, please God.
Now, though, the Holy Land is my place to fall in love with the people and the mission....
Mutual prayers. Bob
Xoxoxox .........................................Br. Bob Smith

May God bless you and Michael as you touch his life.. Brian & James

NO....I DIDN'T.... scroll down.. Except, I do not have to make any different comment on the subject, it the same for a baby as it was for a MAN! You Go Girl! Ha!!!! I'm still laughing over myself.................................... Mary Sunshine

Hey Marie, Great to hear from you and glad that you are falling in love- always better than falling over a chair. It sounds like you are touching the lives of many children. .........................................Br. John Keesler

Oh! ... well don't think that he isn't a heart breaker anyhow.................................. Joan

we are so happy that you are happy...... whether a baby or a grown adult makes you that way, it is great.
Keep up God's work and your reward will await you later.
Mary ....................... Mary and Dick Shoaf

Ha! for some reason, goofy me did not scroll down and see the rest of the email because there was quite a large gap between the two. Did you, elfin girl that you are, plan it that way?
Now I have the fuller picture....Bless this blessed baby and bless you. But see how much faith I have in you and your direct link with God that I would just take it as first read and believe you were speaking about an adult Michael and trust you knew what you were doing. Oh well, you have us trained to expect the unexpected and trust the miraculous in all ya Marie, Oddles of prayers are
coming Michaels way as we speak and from now on ... ................. Mary Johns

Yes, you did pull one on me! Serves me right for always being in a hurry and not checking all the way down. HOWEVER, it still goes. Being in lovewith anything - a man, a dog, a baby,- is good for you.
And, you really must admit Marie, that falling in love instantly is one of the things you do best. I could just picture you bringing your (grown up)Michael back to Greers Ferry with you. ..................................Carolyne Jones

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Comments from two special Mary's

Dear Friends Oct. 18, 2007
What is better than two beautiful "comments" about the previous Blog "Praise You Father Dance" written by two dear friends and special Mary's in my life, who have both danced the dance, one of them too many times to count. Thank you my friends.

Dear Marie,
As one of the many ones you taught this or a similar version to in the last 2 decades it never ceases to amaze me that it prays itself. It unfolds and prepares the way for the Holy Spirit to enter into the hearts of the one engaged in this moving prayer and the one attentive to it.It is an art and it is a beautiful Amen because it is offered up with the whole being. How delighted God must be everytime He beholds this in His beloved ones. Thank you for sharing it, again and the gift will indeed keep on giving of itself to others. Much love, mj (Mary Johns)
Wed Oct 17, 07:29:00 PM

Mary Sunshine said...
Dear Marie,
Beautiful said by MJ. I bet you have no trouble signing up these spirit-filled ladies who already believe and know the joys of praying through dance. Love the skirts. MS (Mary Sunshine)
Thu Oct 18, 08:42:00 AM

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Praise You Father------- Bless You Jesus

--------------------- Holy Spirit Thank You for Being Here-- Now!

I remain "laptop-less" so I will make this Blog short and sweet, in hopes it will not disappear into cyber space as two others have done recently. Ug!
When I think of all the time I have performed, taught and watched in awe as the glorious woman in my life have performed this beautiful liturgical dance, I still -can't believe that last sunday at Mass in our Church, three lovely young nursing student touched our "souls" so profoundly with their interpretation of this Praise Dance.
Thank you Fr. John for inviting me to share this dance and thank you Suzy, Robina and Juliet for taking time away from your studies to learn it. We were all greatly moved as you danced to:
------------------------------------------------Praise you Father
------------------------------------------------Bless You Jesus
------------------------------------------------Holy Spirit thank you for being here
------------------------------------------------Being Here
------------------------------------------------NOW !