News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

----Welcoming Jesus -Part Two

Michael and I put the Baby Jesus in the empty crib on our way to Mass Christmas Eve. The next day he handed me the Baby Jesus and pulled me to the crib, so we might redo the service, which apparently had not been done well enough the night before-ha.
Baby Jesus, Baby Jesus I love you, I love you.
You are my Savior, You are my Savior, every day, every day!
(sung to the tune of Fere Jacques)
Watching Barton dancing with his Batwa is always a good way to feel God's love and joy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Welcome Jesus-- with Dancing and Timbels!

Dear Friends

........There are all kinds of ways to welcome Jesus at Christmas, Here are just a few Ugandan ways. Enjoy!

--------Deck ther Halls with bowels of Holly-Fa La La La La-La La La La! I just love my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, don't you?

An empty crib awaitng Jesus, much like our hearts await His infilling of Grace + Joy

--------------Eating lots of yummy food--with utensils , of course(smile)

-------------Homemade centerpiece with candles from James Anderson,pointsetta and ferns picked outside my door and the table cloth is a remment of local material.

Nursing students dancing traditional Ugandan Liturgical Dance on Christmas Eve
Children dancing traditionally on Christmas Day!

THERE'S--So Much To Be Thankful For---

So-----tonight we pray for what we know can't be.---- and every day we look for what we still can't see. ---It's up to us to be the"change".and even though the world needs so much more; -----------------There's so much to be thankful for!

Dear Friends
........ Christmas 2009, here at St. Francis Hospital, Mutolere, Uganda--was magical! Much had to do with having Michael with me and equally as much was the sense of what Christmas truly means--the birth of Jesus the Christ!
In this country, if you are a church-go-er, you don't pick which Mass you'll attend: the Midnight Mass (which begins at 10pm Christmas Eve) or the 9 am Christmas Day Mass, you attend both..... and you are glad you did! On Christmas Eve the Nursing students danced traditionally and on Christmas Day the children , in full regalia, danced as well.
.......Michael and I attended both, he dressed in an adorable red one piece jammie outfit with a snowman on the front on Thur Eve, and quite formally in his black pants and red and black vest with a black tie and shoes on Friday.The shoes looked like something my Dad could have worn (ha). He was adorable and I must say, seemed equally as comfortable in either outfit.
.....Lots of wonderful visitors stopped by on Christmas Day to enjoy homemade chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate! Sadly Michael became ill and slept the afternoon away with Patricia, the daughter of Sr. Vastina,a dear friend, looking over him ,while I, with the help of Florida and Hedwig went to the Pediatric Ward to play Santa Claus.
......Well, not that it was my intention, but I looked a bit more like Santa than I had anticipated, as I wanted to buy a traditional Ugandan dress, and as red and as ornate as it was, it made me look way over the 10lbs the camera adds (ha). But, none the less, the women were impressed that I was wearing one of their style dresses and I felt quite at home .
.....In the photo's you'll see mostly me and Michael (can you imagine; I first started caring for him exactly two years ago as a 5lb (2+1/4kg) 5 mo old baby and now he is 22 lb (10kg) 2 year old toddler! * Also several pictures of Santa-Marie handing out gifts to the children. Happily there were enough to even give their visiting siblings a little gift, as well.You'll see my friend Hedwig, Sr. Vastina, Florida (the 14 year old daughter of my friend Maria Goretti), as well as Maria herself adorned all in pink for a photo shoot I did of her, in an effort to pick up her spirits and hopefully her immune system. So far, it has been successful. Also numerous babies at risk and their Mom's, with a shot of Barton and the AIDS orphan he fell in love with, Judith.
.......The slide show ends with a lovely photo of a Nursing student who was graduating, wearing traditional garb, all aglow in candle-light.
......There is, indeed, so much to be thankful for...Uganda...2009
* Thank you , again, to all the dear people :friends and friends of friends, who sent dolls and little cars and coloring books and crayons ect. If you look, you may just recognize something you sent yourself. Special thanks to Kim Gossin and her boyfriend who sent me a bag filled with little stocking with cars or candy in them.
......I received this envelope in the mail on Dec 24th, the one year anniversary of sharing dinner with Phyllis and John Gossin, daughter Kim and son Sean. Receiving this envelope the day prior to distributing the gifts in Peds was so fortuitous, as I did not have enough "boy" gifts and the little cars did the trick. In fact receiving this envelope on the 24th, exactly one year after sharing a surprise birthday dinner for Phyllis at the Rose Tree Inn, near Media, PA (one of my all time favorite restaurants +memories to go with it) was a gift in itself.

Enjoy my first ever Video/Slide show entitled "So Much to be thankful For"
. ----------Here are the words , which were not only sung by Josh Groban but written as well.

There is so much to Be Thankful For

Somedays we forget to look around us.

Somedays we can't see the joy that surrounds us.

So caught up inside ourselves

We take what we should give

So--tonight we pray for--what we know can't be
And--today we look for--what we still can't see.

It's up to us to be the Change

Even though we all can do much more.

There's so much to be thankful for.

Each of us must find our truth

So long overdo.

Look beyond ourselves, there's so much sorrow.

It's way too late to say---I'll cry tomorrow

So-- for tonight we pray for what we know can be

And--everyday we hope for what we still can't see.

It's up to us to be the Change

Even though the world needs so much more.

There's so much to be thankful for!

Even with our differences, there's a place we all connect.

Each of us can find each others Light

Friday, December 18, 2009

-----O Come Let Us Adore Him

Mary said " Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to His Word"!

God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak my message or sing my song or offer my act of love. These are entrusted only to me.---------------John Powell SJ

It has been my tradition to enclose an "oldie but goodie" picture each year and this year is one of my favorites: It was taken some 35 years ago at my sister Theresa's wedding reception . My sister Coleen and I were quite proud of our bodies and more than willing to show them off, but when we went to retrieve the photo's, this photo was not amongst the proofs . It seems the photographer found it too risque' to print and though we were unsuccesful in convincing him differently, one irate call from my mother and all the sudden it appeared. Ha! I love the apparent, shocked look on my newly married baby sisters face. What a happy memory!

It is not quite so difficult to remember the true meaning of Christmas here in Uganda, as the traditions of gift giving and decorating are minimal. While the sense of anticipation that Advent brings is quite palpable.

Two years ago, my first Christmas here, was indeed "The Best Gift I ever Got" as Baby Michael had come to stay with me, my friends Bert Self and Diana Sherrod were visiting for the holidays and between the three of us and the presence of a tiny baby as our Christ child, we created a very special Christmas.--------------------------------------------------I could not see how this Christmas might stack up, as for various reasons, I lacked the enthusiasm and vision necessary for such an experience. But, as life (don't really believe in luck) would have it-it is turning out quite lovely. I just found out that Micahel will be allowed to be with me for Christmas, which gave me the needed nudge to decorate a bit (mostly outside, as he is a toddler and into everything!). I am baking home made Chocolate Chip Cookies and listening to the three Holiday CD's I own (Josh Groban, Johnny Mathis and Ella Fitzgerald) Quite eclectic but seems to be doing the trick. -----------------------------------------------------This will be my last Christmas here in Uganda and heaven only knows where I will be for 2010 holiday festivities. ----------It may seem like a strange Christmas tree in the mini video, but it has a story: I so wanted a tree two years ago but none was available, so I bought a plant, decorated it and was quite happy with it. Then Bert and I planted it outside after the New Year. Well over the last two yeas, I was never quite sure it would make it, as you can see, it had a few lean times. But now it is over 6 feet tall and healthy as can be. Enjoy the decorations, video style as we await the birth of the Christ.----------- Christmas Blessings to you and all those you hold dear.--------Marie

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Remembering Loved Ones

Remembering : GEORGE TAGUE---my cousin , my brother and my friend. We couldn't have been more different or loved each other more. The garb in this photo, taken when we were very young, is probable why he later joined the Navy and became a Policeman until he retired only shortly before his untimely passing -November 2008 .

Only a week before his death I received a pk from him in the mail filled with toys for the AIDS Orphans and a box full of loose Halloween candy, that tumbled out as I opened the box. He said he wanted me to recall all our door to door excursions dressed in Halloween attire and the inevitable candy swapping, as we poured all our "treats" out on the carpet later that evening .

Even though I am all the way in Uganda, I may have been the last person to speak with him, as we had finally connected thru Skype that day and he had sent an email to all my friends announcing this event. He died that night from a heart attack. His wonderful sons flew me home for the funeral and some 36hrs. from notice, I walked into the Viewing in 69th street=Philadelphia, PA, where he had been a Policeman for o, so many years. George may have been my cousin by birth, my brother by shared love of my parents but he'll be my friend forever.

George:Take care of my Parents + my sister Coleen until we are all together again. I love you !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

George talking on the phone to his soon to be wife and mother of his sons Brian and David- Colleen--about 1976. Reclining is, a bit younger me , with my parents Helen and Hugh McGee. I had only recently moved to Arizona and, as usual, George had driven to AZ to drive my parents home to PA.(He was always being called upon to rescue them from their travels to visit me-ha)
George and his boys: Brian and David---You can rest easily George, they have turned out Great! ______________________________________________________

Remembering JAMES ANDERSON--who entered the Heavens July 2008 to teach the angels to laugh! James loved the color purple,Brian, his family and friends, his doggie's(well anybody's doggies's) and ME! And we all knew it , because he was not the least bit shy in showing it. Celebrating was his life and giving gifts was his forte'. His heart was as big as his laugh and his laughter filled the air. There is not a moment of sillyness that I do not think of him or a seconds hesitation to help someone in need, because I know what James would do.I miss you!

It was James Birthday and he he is being bussed by two of his favorite "girlfriends" Mary Sunshine and myself ___________________________________________________________

Remembering ---TERESA WILSON, who joined the heavenly chorus August 2008. Teresa, like my friend James, loved the color purple, so I have hung a special purple angel to remember her this season.I am reminded of a time so many years ago,when i was feeling low and fat and had nothing to wear to a holiday gala, I had been looking forward to. Teresa practically threw me in her car and with a returned credit in hand, took me to her favorite thrift shop in Tempe and decked me out for the holidays. Thank you Teresa, you are dearly missed by many--me among them.

A beautiful young Teresa when I first met her at Sunshine Acres, Mesa Arizona

On the left are Teresa's 3 grown daughters (opps, looks as if lovely youngest daughter Angelica got cut off this reproduction) sorry Angelica--and Rebecca's son Anders,in Mexico when Joy married her long time love-David. On the right Teresa with her girls , when they were just a wee bit younger. __________________________________________________________

_Remembering: Sue Alexander who joined the Heavens July of this year. Her theme and philosophy of life was : ------------Scatter Random Seeds of Kindness --------Sue loved everybody: man , woman, children and animals. So much so that a special building has been built at an animal shelter in LA for all the animals she has saved , thru a foundation in her memory.

Sue, I honor your memory by attempting to scatter those seeds of kindness, even on the days when I'd rather stay in bed with a cover over my head. Thank you for your example+ your life.

---Sue with her Life Partner and wonderful woman--Kim

Sue with her children; Onne and Jason, shortly before her death.No one could have asked for a better mother and I know that is how Sue felt about her children and grandchildren, as well.

Sue requested my presence as she neared the end of her earthly life (which her children happily arranged). I arrived on July 6th, only days before she entered the heavens with her loved ones: Kim, Jason and Onne by her side.

Monday, December 14, 2009

---A Lovely Afternoon on Lake Mutanda

-------Girlfriends connect at the heart, leaving little room for concerns of age or ethniticy.--
---------------------------------Robina, Marie, Hedwig

Come along with me while I share the adventures of "A Lovely Afternoon on Lake Mutanda" with you.

It was about a week prior to the Thanksgiving Festivities , when Robina and her boyfriend Emmanuel arrived from Kampala for a visit. In truth the visit was a little more than a smoke screen so I could meet this guy that has captured Robina's heart.
---It didn't take long to see that Emma adores the ground she walks on, treating her every bit like the princess she is, thereby quickly receiving my stamp of approval.
---But for Emma, there were other hurdles to jump through; like winning over Robina's friend and mine, Hedwig, as well as approval from Baby Michael.
------Jackson,my wonderful local driver,picked us up and off we went to retrieve Michael from Potters Village and wisk him off to the Safarri Lodge, Lake Mutanda for lunch.

It was a wonderful day and not quickly forgotten. Powerman who owns the Lodge is always so kind to me and my guests, giving us a special lunch at a reduced price (There are some advantages to being a missionary, after all)

I ordered Fish and Chips on purpose, so that Michael and I might share them African style, but even after washing our hands for this finger-lickin good meal, he insisted on using a knife and fork. What have I done to this child?!

---Robina tried to assist us in the walk up the hill but I am afraid Michael is a big boy now and not the adoring little baby she cared for in March 07, when I was on safarri with Carol and Bill

-------------Jackson, Michael, Marie, Hedwig and Robina

Ah, my Shangrila!

To get to the Safarri Lodge, one must walk down a rather steep hill or take a Pontoon Boat across the lake. Michael was anxious to show off his trekking skills while Robina chatted on the phone and Hedwig looked on. That's me in the yellow sweater, looking a bit more "Grammy-like" than I had hoped.

Girlfriends Hedwig and Robina ,Teacher and Nurse respectively, share a moment together . They met here at St. Francis Hospital while Robina was training to be an RN and Hedwig was studying Eng.Literature at McCory University in Kampala.--------------------------------As life would have it , Robina now works two jobs as an RN in Kampala, while Hedwig teaches English Lit. at a local secondary school here in Kisoro.

Volcanic mountains--Mgahinga, Sabinyo and Muhaboro-peek/peak out amidst the clouds
--------This is one of the few places you can view all three mountain peaks at once. Nature gifted us with a glimpse of these peaks amidst an otherwise cloudy day. I am reminded of the musical movie version of "Lost Horizon" which is not available on tape (VHS or DVD). Not sure why but maybe Marty Coda, the seemingly only other person to just love the movie and know all the words to all the songs, can tell me. (smile)

Me with Michael, Hedwig, Emma and Robina enjoy the lake and each other.

I have never swam in Lake Mutanda as there seems to be different views on whether it carries serious bacteria in it or not, but no matter, just being there, especially with dear friends (and Michael-that is always special) is more than enough for me.

------------------Local children watching us as we watch them.

--------------------------Lake Mutanda, is always a treat to view and photograph

Saturday, December 05, 2009

A Thanksgiving To Be Thankful For

---------Lake Bunyonyi, yet again!

-----Last week was a Thanksgiving week to truly be thankful for! On Monday I was dropped off at the Bishop's residence for a visit with both Bishop Callist and my dear friend Fr. Louis, the Bishop's secretary. When the Bishop, who had spent several years in the States, found out that I was spending the holiday ---minus a turkey, He made it his mission to find one for me and my guests. And he most definitely did, as following breakfast he was out and about town busily locating a live turkey !

He quickly realized that although I was very grateful for his kindness, the thought of carrying a live turkey on a boat to the island was less than appealing for me, so he had it de-feathered and gutted and pretty much looking like a store bought holiday bird. ------Fr. Louis and I sharing a cup of tea last year (I am not quite that skinny now-ha)

Following a wonderful visit with Fr. Louis, he kindly took me to the boat dock, turkey in hand(well actually in box) and off I went to spend a few days and nights at one of my all time favorite places in Uganda--- Lake Bunyonyi.

I had 24 hours all to myself before the guests arrived and I enjoyed every second of it. One of the things I love most about Bushera Island is that you don't have walk anywhere to view the scenery because you are smack down in the middle of it. Although I was alone, they gave me the only room with a large comfy bed, a view of the lake that could not be surpassed and somhow, I suspect, they even arranged the rarest and most luminous birds for my optical and auditory entertainment. ---------Barton and Marie---hang out together.

Pilgrim Barton carves the turkey!

Sheba had gone to Entebbe to pick up Barton Brooks ( and his friend Brent LaRash from NYC.They arrived Wed evening for a late dinner and a nights rest before all the company arrived the next day.

I had only seen Barton under the worst of circumstances following his horrendous motorcycle accident last March 13th (friday, the 13th to be exact), so spending time talking and getting to know each other amidst such a tranquil setting was a pleasant chore indeed.

Indian Obama-Fr. Ignatius getting served by Barton

Sheba arrived with drums in tow ready to party--ah--but I have gotten ahead of myself. First came the wonderful holiday meal prepared by Avis , Patrick and all the crew at Bushera Island. Besides the turkey, we had stuffing (pretty darn good), baked matoki, rice potatoes, as well as apple pie and chocolate cake. Saul and Agatha even brought some of their wedding cake !

Roasting Marshmallows over an open fire. A new treat for the Ugandans that we American's were more than happy to share.

Finally it was approaching time for our guests to arrive and they did: Fr. Ignatius, all decked out in his Obama T-shirt , the Coda family had given him, Anthony, Nestory , as well as the newlyweds Saul and Agatha. These were Barton's connection to the Batwa community (and now his friends) prior to the accident, which made for a wonderful reunion. Drumming and Dancing with Sheba is the best!

Courtney Caoila had left me her holiday decorations when they returned to the States following their 3 year years as a missionary family, and they were well used. We each had a choice between Pilgrim and Indian headresses, but much like the the first Thanksgiving, we all sat at table together. Next came a bonfire, drumming, lots of dancing and we even roasted marsmallows over an open fire. What fun!!! ----------Barton Marie and Sheba -- keeping the beat!

A Thanksgiving to be Thankful For--Part Two

-------------------------Celebrate the Journey
------Sunset driving from Kabale to Kisoro

Over 150 children enjoyed the Art Program That's me in the gold shirt from "Heartsong "Retreat Days. The back reads "CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY" my philosophy, and I am living it right here with these precious children God has allowed me to minister to--yet another reason to be Thankful !: Sheba then drove some of us to the crash site for Barton to start the emotional healing aspects of his Ugandan journey and then onto Kisoro, where I had the pleasure of their company for the weekend.

Barton with Judith and Vivian--AIDS Orphan Program "World AIDS Day" event

Paddy-cake Paddy-Cake --------Barton's the man + Judith's the girl

Michael and Brent cut a rug-Ugandan-American style

On Saturday, they both attended my AIDS Orphan "World AIDS Day" event and the children so enjoyed and mimicked Brents fancy footwork, while others flocked around Barton, conjuring memories of Jesus' life when he said "Let the little children come unto me". -----Barton is truly a kid-magnet and pretty much an adult-magnet, as well. ------------------------Barton dancing with his Batwa Ladies-Dec 4, 2009

On Monday Brent fulfilled his dream of trekking gorilla's and since they had returned to Uganda from Rwanda and it was off season , he had the experience of a lifetime. Then they travelled to Kabale to visit the Batwa Communities, where there was a large feast and Celebration (which I was honored to attend). It has been a whirlwind of a trip and one that I am sure you can read about in Barton's website

-------------------Truly a Thanksgiving to be Thankful For---------
