News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo----- (Zaire, Republic of the Congo, The French Congo, The Middle Congo, Belgium Congo, DRC, The Congo) -------by any other name still spells: War, Displacement, Sickness and Death
. The Republic of the Congo was first settled by the illusive Pygmies. They were followed by the Bakongo, Bateke and Sanga peoples in the mid-15th century. Once the coastal areas were discovered and explored by the Portuguese, the natives (making friends quickly) began to cooperate with the Europeans, and soon, the slave trade flourished. In fact, the coastal area was a major source for the transatlantic slave trade. Over many decades, an assortment of European traders searched for additional economic opportunities here, and then, in 1891, this resource-rich land was colonized by the French, and named the French Congo - later the Middle Congo. Subsequently, the Congo's population suffered through forced labor, and the country's valuable rubber and ivory resources were exploited. Independence from French control was achieved in 1960, however, over the decades that followed the Republic of the Congo suffered through Marxism, a bloody civil war, on-going political instability, and ethnic unrest. The Republic of the Congo has significant underdeveloped economic potential, a poor infrastructure and inadequate health care. On the positive side, it's one of Africa's largest petroleum producers. Its relatively sparse population is concentrated in the southwestern portion of the country, between the capital city of Brazzaville and the coastal city of Point Noire, leaving the vast areas of tropical jungle in the north virtually uninhabited Formerly the Belgian Congo, this territory was inhabited by ancient Negrito peoples (Pygmies), who were pushed into the mountains by Bantu and Nilotic invaders
. 1960- Belgium grants freedom to the Congo on June 30, 1960 Leopold accumulated a vast personal fortune from ivory and rubber through Congolese slave labor; 10 million people are estimated to have died from forced labor, starvation, and outright extermination during Leopold's colonial rule. His brutal exploitation of the Congo eventually became an international cause célèbre, prompting Belgium to take over administration of the Congo, which remained a colony until agitation for independence forced Brussels to grant freedom on June 30, 1960. Congolais became prime minister and Joseph Kasavubu of the ABAKO Party became head of state 1960- Short lived Freedom for the CongoWithin weeks of independence, the Katanga Province, led by Moise Tshombe, seceded from the new republic, and another mining province, South Kasai, followed. Belgium sent paratroopers to quell the civil war, and the United Nations flew in a peacekeeping force. Newly Independent Congo Plunges into Civil War Tshombe rejected a national reconciliation plan submitted by the UN in 1962. Tshombe's troops fired on the UN force in December, and in the ensuing conflict Tshombe capitulated on Jan. 14, 1963. The peacekeeping force withdrew, and, in a complete about-face, Kasavubu named Tshombe premier in order to fight a spreading rebellion. Tshombe used foreign mercenaries, and, with the help of Belgian paratroops airlifted by U.S. planes, defeated the most serious opposition, a Communist-backed regime in the northeast. 1971- Renamed ZAIRE by General Joseph-Desire’(aka:Mobuto Sese Seko Kasavubu abruptly dismissed Tshombe in 1965 but was then himself ousted by Gen. Joseph-Desiré Mobutu, army chief of staff. The new president nationalized the Union Minière, the Belgian copper mining enterprise that had been a dominant force in the Congo since colonial days. Mobutu eliminated opposition to win the election in 1970. In 1975, he nationalized much of the economy, barred religious instruction in schools, and decreed the adoption of African names. He changed the country's name to Zaire and his own to Mobuto Sese Seko, which means “the all-powerful warrior who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, will go from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake.” In 1977, invaders from Angola calling themselves the Congolese National Liberation Front pushed into Shaba (Katanga) and threatened the important mining center of Kolwezi. France and Belgium provided military aid to defeat the rebels.
1977--Laurent Kabila Topples Mobutu Laurent Kabila and his long-standing but little-known guerrilla movement launched a seven-month campaign that ousted Mobutu in May 1997, ending one of the world's most corrupt and megalomaniacal regimes. The last of the CIA-nurtured cold war despots, Mobutu deftly courted France and the U.S., which used Zaire as a launching pad for covert operations against bordering countries, particularly Marxist Angola. Mobutu's disastrous policies drove his country into economic collapse while he siphoned off millions of dollars for himself. 1997-Re-named The Democratic Republic of the Congo The country was renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997, which had been its name before Mobutu changed it to Zaire in 1971. But elation over Mobutu's downfall faded as Kabila's own autocratic style emerged, and he seemed devoid of a clear plan for reconstructing the country. In Aug. 1998, Congolese rebel forces, backed by Kabila's former allies, Rwanda and Uganda, gained control of a large portion of the country until Angolan, Namibian, and Zimbabwean troops came to Kabila's aid. In 1999, the Lusaka Accord was signed by all six of the countries involved, as well as by most, but not all, of the various rebel groups. In Jan. 2001, Kabila was assassinated, allegedly by one of his bodyguards. 2002---Son of Assassinated Leader Kabila Oversees End of Congo's Civil War Young and inexperienced son Joseph became the new president. He demonstrated a willingness to engage in talks to end the civil war. In April 2002, the government agreed to a power-sharing arrangement with Ugandan-supported rebels and signed a peace accord with Rwanda and Uganda. More than 2.5 million people are estimated to have died in the Congo's complex four-year civil war, which involved seven foreign armies and numerous rebel groups that often fought among themselves. 2003-Congo’s Power-sharing Government was inaugurated On July 17, 2003, the Congo's new power-sharing government was inaugurated, but the fighting and killing continued. In April 2003, hundreds of civilians were massacred in the eastern province of Ituri in an ethnic conflict. In 2004, an insurgency in Bukavu erupted, other areas of the Congo grew restive, and Rwanda continued to support various rebel groups fighting the government. By the end of 2004, the death toll from the conflict had reached 3.8 million. Despite instability, political progress continued. In May 2005, a new constitution was adopted by the national assembly, and overwhelmingly ratified in Jan. 2006. On July 30, 2006, the first democratic election in the country since 1970 took place. President Kabila received 44.8% of the vote, which was not enough to win the election outright. Fighting broke out between factions supporting the two major candidates, setting off the worst violence the country has seen since the 2002 peace deal was signed. Kabila was declared the winner in the October run-off election, winning 58% of the vote, the country's first freely elected president in four decades
2007-Political Progress Is Made While Death Toll Mounts In August 2007, a rebel general, Laurent Nkunda, led battles between his militia, made up of fellow Tutsis, and the Congolese Army. The fighting continued throughout the year, driving hundreds of thousands of people from their homes in eastern Congo and threatening to spiral the already fragile country back into civil war. Nkunda claimed he was protecting Tutsis from extremist Rwandan Hutus. In January 2008, the government and the rebels signed an agreement that has both sides withdrawing their troops and the rebels disarming and eventually being integrated into the national army. The cease-fire fell apart in August, and fighting resumed between Nkunda's militia and the army. By the end of October, the rebels had captured the major army base of Rumangaboebel and were advancing toward Goma, the capital of North Kivu province. In addition, angry civilians attacked UN peacekeeping troops, who proved ineffectual in both thwarting the rebels and protecting citizens. The rebels declared a cease-fire before taking Goma. With the cease-fire appearing on the brink of collapse, leaders from several African nations and Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the UN met in Nairobi in November. They signed a pact that calls for an immediate end to the fighting and agreed that if UN troops fail to protect civilians, then African peaceekeepers would take over. A report released in January 2008 by the International Rescue Committee found that despite billions in aid, the deployment of the world's largest peacekeeping force, and successful democratic elections, some 45,000 people continue die each month in Congo, mostly from starvation and disease. 2011-- Kabila Reelected in Vote Marred by Violence Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga resigned in September 2008, citing health reasons. He was succeeded by Adolphe Muzito. Presidential elections were held in November 2011. Incumbent Kabila faced opposition leader and former prime minister Étienne Tshisekedi. The International Crisis Group deemed the election "unruly" and "chaotic" and other international observers said the vote was irregular and flawed. Nearly 20 people were killed in election-related violence. Nevertheless, Congo's election commission ruled in December that Kabila prevailed, 49% to 32%. In the run-up to the election, Kabila—perhaps sensing a threat from the opposition and popular dissatisfaction with his rule—amended the constitution to do away with a second round of voting and stacked the electoral commission. 2012-Muzito resigns and Mapon named Prime Minister In March 2012, Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito resigned. His resignation came a little over three months after the violent presidential elections. Deputy Prime Minister Louis Koyagialo was appointed to temporarily replace Muzito. On April 18, 2012, former Minister of Finance Augustin Matata Ponyo Mapon was named prime minister. 2012 July The fighting continues as hundreds flee the Congo daily, many arriving at the Nyakabande Transit Camp in Kisoro District, Uganda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interesting Facts: Dag Hammarskjold, UN secretary-general, died in a plane crash en route to a peace conference with Tshombe on Sept. 17, 1961. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubanga Case Establishes Child Soldiers as an International Crime On March 14, 2012, Thomas Lubanga was convicted of using child soldiers during the ethnic conflict in the Ituri region. A former militia leader, Lubanga had been on trial for three-years and may receive life imprisonment. The use of child soldiers occurred in 2002 and 2003. The ruling made by the International Criminal Court was significant. It established the use of child soldiers as an international crime. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All information compiled from the internet by -----Marie McGee-- Nurse/ missionary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: This is for those of you who wanted to know the history of the Congo. Next will follow my personal experience while volunteering at the Nyakabande Transit Refuge Camp, Kisoro Districct, July


  • At Sat Sep 08, 10:11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you Marie, for attempting to place the history of this part of our world in sone understandable perspective. It is overwhelming in its complexity. The thread that comes through so strongly is how human greed, pride and ignornace (or the refusal to see,consider, and respond), continues to dishonor, seperate, displace, wound and kill, generating perpetual suffering. Once truth is realized and allowed to touch and transform a conscience (individually or communally, action with compassion must respond in anyway called or enabled. I am looking forward to the way you will bring light upon what that looks like as you share the heart of the matter in your own experience. None of us can connect in the tangible way of having walked and served among these members of our global family as you and others have by your being there. However, seeds get planted and tended to in the telling and sharing and that is how the movement of love in action grows. Peace my friend. Love, Mary


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