News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

------Yet More Holiday Memories --2007

-----Michael and Mama Michael- enjoying the Christmas lights and each other---------
Though , as a lay missionary, I am not allowed to adopt Michael, I hope to always be in his life, in one way or the other. Only God can show us how that might be. But for now we are savoring every moment together.
------------My Lap child. I am wearing a typical skirt I wear to work (Who would believe all those liturgical dance skirts would ever come in handy in Uganda, no less!)

---OK, I was doing a little Christmas dance and fell and tripped over a small table. No damage to anything but my ego(Ha). Here I am showing that it was only a soda I was drinking.

---Diana and Bert on the Pontoon Boat that took us from the Lodge to our ride home. It was only a one night get away but well worth it. Good food, good company and you can't beat the view.

------------ One of many gorgeous views of Lake Mutanda from our Lodge

Each Tent is self contained(meaning it has a bathroom) . Quite an enjoyable get-a-way for Bert Diana and myself. Here they are visiting and enjoying the lake view.

------------ Bert visiting Diana and me in our Safari Tent like my cozy socks from Diana?)

Monday, January 21, 2008

--------More Christmas Memories 2007---

Dear Friends
While continued Internet and laptop challenges persist(don't ya just love the term "Challenges" when what ya really mean are PROBLEMS!, I'll simply send some more Christmas 2007 memories

I think Immaculate and I could pose for Beautiful American and Ugandan Woman!
Humble arn't I(smile)
Carol sent the most precious "BabiesFirst Christmas" outfit for the most precious of babies Michael. It fit him perfectly because it is a preemie size, though he is actually 5 mo. old.
Marie (note my Lay Mission Helpers T-shirt) with Alex on my left and Norbert(Justines son) on my right
Marie on a shopping spree in the big town of Kisoro, Uganda

Beautiful Sr. (nurse) Immaculate and her equally adorable daughter Sara
Bert (with others from the hospital ) climbed the Volcanic mountain. His story is he was the first to the top. I fear the truth is a bit different, but he had a great day.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Dear Friends
Short and sweet, just some pictures of favorite holiday memories.

I am now officially Michaels "Foster" mother until June when the family will decide if they are able to handle him. What a joy his being in my life and home has been. Bert captured us "sleeping in" one morning.

On Christmas Day I gave out gift to all the children in Pediatrics. Thanks Ms. Ellie and Carol!!
Each child received either a tiny car, coloring book or a tiny doll. All were thrilled with whatever they received.
Here I am as "The hostess with the mostest" offering my McBread to Justine, her Olivia and Diana seated on the couch.
Seated at our Christmas Feast were: Immaculate andher Sara, Bert, Emmanuel (dressed as a Ugandan Flag-smile) his friend Dan , Diana and yours truly. Unfortunately the turkey was dismembered before we could tell the man to leave it whole(who would even think of mentioning such a thing-ha?)
Emma (Emmanuel) cooking African dishes for Bert(I certainly wasn't going to eat them-ha) on both NewYears Eve and New Years Day.
Diana holding a beer and me a rattle( maybe we are the same age but certainly celebrate differently these days-Ha------Note the beautiful table arrangement Bert made from all local flowers and greenery.
Bert and Marie finally ready to serve the Christmas Feast!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

--------------New Years 2008---