News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love is Love--that's all ! Update on Daniel

July 2012 Update:
Great follow up news for Daniel: He is 4 years old now and healthy as can be.------- After 2 years at Potters Village, he was able to return to his family and is doing very very well. Here is a picture of him eating sitting next to my Michael (boy Michael loves rice-ha!) They were at Potters Village together, so it was a reunion for them at St. Francis Hospital- Mutolere--- AIDS Orphans Saturday Program.

Daniel on your left and Michael on the right in blue sweater

Oldies but Goodies :-------- Sept  2008

----------LOVE IS LOVE- That's All!
Only minutes ago, a very tiny 3 mo. old baby boy was in my home with his sister and their grandmother. Do you recall in the Blog entitled“A Call to save babies in distress” the telling of the little one whose mother was critically ill with malaria, so I brought him home to feed and bathe and dress but most importantly to teach the young sister how to bottle feed her then 5 week old brother? I had chosen June 24th (my sister Theresa’s birthday), as his birth date as no one seemed to recall the exact date, and with the mothers death the next day went any hope of finding out.
I had sent clothes via a fellow worker and had reports that the baby was doing alright, but encouraged them to bring him in for us to see.

---Well, today the grandmother, the very loving and protective 9 year old sister “Immaculate” and the sweet little Daniel came to Public Health for immunization and weighing .Now at 3 months of age the baby weighs only 71/2 lbs.. He was screaming in hunger and had no fat at all on his little tiny frame.
---Giving an intramuscular injection to such a tiny baby is not physically difficult, as the muscle is certain to be found yet, heartbreakingly difficult, not wanting to hurt the little one . But I did my job and then brought the family to my home for what was very much needed; food and education. My wonderful helper Bernedette bathed the baby as Immaculate looked on, while I boiled the cows milk, with which they feed the child. We powdered and pampered him, then dressed him in one of the “onesies” Bill had sent Michael some nine months ago. Then we put on a warm little knit dress that Carol recently sent from the thrift shop (Remember they cross-dress children until they are about 3 years old, then it’s pretty much skirts for girls and pants for boys)
---Anyway he gobbled up the milk, while I, again, instructed the Grandmother and sister on the art of bottle feeding (smile).It was hard for me to let that baby go, knowing that the Grandmother had 5 orphans at home and one of them, this dear 9 year old sister was the primary caregiver to this baby, who needs lots more attention then she is able to give. I packed a little care package and sent them on their way with instructions to bring the baby to Outpatient Dept. for HIV Testing.
----That is a another story ,as I just found out that the mother was HIV+ and the child had been born at home with no testing or treatment given. Now we have a whole new issue to deal with, whether this baby or any of the children in the family may be HIV +.
---The endearing photo's is of Immaculate, the baby’s sister carrying him home on her back. She is devoted to her baby brother, but at 9 years is too young for such a responsibility and, of course, has stopped going to school
The heartbreak of these situations where there are so many AIDS Orphans can at times feel overwhelming, but when I look at the love in Immaculate’s eyes when she looks at her baby brother, I am reminded that the heart has no barriers to age or income;
-------------LOVE IS LOVE —that’s all!

Daniel went from this badly malnourished baby to his sweet smiling self after only one month of TLC-in Feb 2009, prior to his joining the childrens home. He, unlike Baby Michael, was a difficult baby, as he was always hungry and cried alot. But eventually he did come around. These pics show that journey quite well.


Daniel is over 2 years old now and happy and healthy, living in Potters Village Childrens Home in Kisoro, Uganda. Immaculate is attending school and, unbelievably, neither Daniel or the other orphans in the home tested HIV+.---Praise the Lord!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

AIDS Orphan Program-St.Francis Hospital-Mutolere Uganda

Group Hug welcome from the children of the AIDS Orphan Program

 It has only been a short time since I have seen, sang with, played with and celebrated all the children from the AIDS Orphans Program-St. Francis Hospital-Mutolere-Kisoro Uganda, but I miss their smiling faces already.
The younger children from the program

Each Sat. as many as 130 children walk many miles to spend the day with us. After breakfast porridge, come skills, where the children learn to make paper jewelry, mats, baskets, type and sew.
Finished every bite of lunch and ready to play

*Then a nice big lunch of rice and beans, plantain banana's or whatever is available, followed by fun , fun, fun! Games, sports and an occasional party.
  (below there is singing, local dancing and our own Olympics )

  -------------* The breakfast/lunch program's funding has ended and now it is a week to week venture. Kind friend Barton Brooks from Global Colours has given support that should take us thru this year, but more support is needed, if the program is to continue.Contact me if you are interested in helping--the cost is about $38 /week to feed 130 children breakfast and lunch (likely the only full meal they may receive all week).

The children and, o yeah, a silly boy and his tire :)

               The children have learned to make awesome jewelry from shiny paper (like calendar paper), which I just happen to have come home with tons to sell :) (blog to follow with pics ect.) Necklaces (short and long, earrings + bracelets)  Every shilling (penny) goes to the program to support these children who have been orphaned by one or both parents from HIV-AIDS
                       Much love and appreciation