News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Lay Mission Helpers

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you and your family doing well. I am writing to share some exciting news with you and ask for your assistance. Many of you may not be aware, but for some time I have been considering living abroad and working directly with the poor in a developing country. After a long discernment and application process I have been accepted into a wonderful program called the Lay Mission-Helpers Association.

Lay Mission-Helpers (LMH) is a Catholic organization that provides training and support for lay people who serve 3 years in mission dioceses around the world. They support the lay people of the Catholic Church in sharing their gifts and living a simple life amongst the poor. LMH is in their 51st year of service and lay people from this organization have served in 36 countries around the world.

I will be moving to Los Angeles in August 2006 to begin a 4 month formation program. After the formation/training period I plan to go abroad in January 2007 for three years. My specific placement has not been determined but they are currently in need of people in Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone, the Marshall Islands, Taiwan, and Thailand. I will know my placement and specific job in the Fall.

I am writing to both share my good news and to ask for your support spiritually and materially. I ask that you please remember me, all missionaries, and those that I will serve in your prayers. If possible, I also ask that you support my work financially. I encourage you to visit the LMH website ( and see first hand the work they are doing. Your contribution is tax deductible and will go directly to help support me and the work I will be doing.

It costs upward of $10,000 to cover the expenses of a candidate like me during the formation period and I am trying to raise $2,000 toward these costs. Please know that I understand that everyone’s financial situation is different and personal. Any financial contribution you can make will be greatly appreciated. It goes without saying that your spiritual support and prayers are invaluable to me.

Thank you so much for your support, love and prayers. I wish you and yours many blessings – you are in my prayers.

With gratitude,
Marie McGee

personal e-mail Contributions can be sent to:

The Lay Mission-Helpers Association
3435 Wilshire Blvd. #1035
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Please indicate that your gift is in support of me.

Home Sweet Home?

Hi Friends,
Greetings from my home in Arkansas where I have been for a couple of weeks and will be for about 10 more days before I drive to Calf. I am a woman on the go!
Before I left South Africa I went on a 4-day retreat at a beautiful retreat center called "Good Sheperd." I'll try to enclose a pic of the amazing view I breathed into my spirit for 4 days and nights.
The night before I left Sparrows Village, I gave a party for the kids and it was quite a success with balloons galore, dancing , sweets - Everything sweet is called "sweets." Again I'll try to attach a pic of this glorious occasion.
Then I flew to NYC and visited with my Heather and her roommate(and my friend) Scott in their home, before I flew to Nashville where my car awaited me at my dear friend Bill Northrup's home.
Now I am packing my entire home to make it ready for renting while I am in Los Angeles, CA with The Lay Mission Helpers in formation to be a missionary. Following "formation" (4 months of study: Scripture, Theology, Cultural, etc.), I will be sent somewhere, perhaps Africa or Thailand for 3 years as a lay missionary. I will , of course, continue to follow my "calling" of ministering to those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS.
I will enclose a letter from The "Lay Mission Helpers" so you'll have an idea where I am and what I am doing.
I need to stop and thank my extraordinary friends for helping me move and being supportive of my every dream. Especially today I mention Bon, Cynthia, Carol, Jennifer and Carolyn as well as continued financial support from Carol B in AR and Nancy in AZ.
I've been to the doctor and dentist and even had my eyes checked(Thanks Dr. Jeanie Stone) and I am healthier than I have ever been in my life. Thank you, God, for giving me the health and strength to do your work.
I fell in love with the children and adults at Sparrows and expect there will be lots more folk for me to fall in love with in the future.
My friend Michael McGlone wrote a song saying "I have always been in love with my life but now I know it because of you." In my case the "You" is my loving Creator. He(..or She)loves and allows me to love His children in good health and abundant joy each and every day. As Nehemiah said: "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

Much love and continued blessings