News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You must be the change you wish to see in the world." M. Gandhi

Dear Friends--------Lots of stories to tell but I seem to be so busy living them, I don't have time to tell them. So please accept this collage of pics from the past month. ------Michael was home for a visit. Hard to believe that less than 2 lb. baby will be 2 years old next month. My new name will be "GRAMMY" for Michael and any future grandchilish little ones that God sends my way.

I think I look a bit more like Marie Curie in this pic than Marie McGee(dang they keep making the print smaller and smaller on those medicine bottles) Ha

I had a pretty serious "eye scare" about a month ago, which happily turned out to be only that--a scare--nothing serious at all. So now I wear the glasses I should have been wearing all along (but only when I am working-smile

Pentecost Sunday has always been a particularly meaningful day to me (since back in Sunshine Acres Children's Home) days in Mesa, Arizonia. This year was no exception and I looked the occasion in my yellow and orange/red shawl. Then when gifted with those gorgeous orange cactus -like flowers---well it was just calling to be photographed. I am walking from church to my home, in this shot.

---Marie with the kids from the Program. Close up is of Judith, precious and a favorite of mine (Shhh).

---Marie with some of the kids from the Sat. "AIDS Orphan Program"

---Marie having fun with Sr. Bonnie and Sofie (from Sweden)

---I call this "Mzungu Nite Out" from left Dr. Damian, me ,Dr. Lou Coda, Marty Coda, Anthony Coda, Cayce (Louie's sister) and John Coda. Back left: Waltraud, (Dr. Damians wife) Diana (Cayce's friend) and Kate (from the UK). Crouching down is Dr. Ronald from Holland (volunteer surgeon)

Heather sent this to me, from one of her gigs as a rock and roll singer with "The Fifth" the band with whom she sings. I'll never be that skinny again (actually don't think I ever was-ha

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

----------HAND IN HAND

--Working together HAND IN HAND to get the Tree Ready--seemed so natural for these girls from England.

--The kids showing off their Hands for the Hand Tree! They were so grateful they sang a song of thanks to the girls that said " You are welcome our visitors , rejoice and dance and say a prayer"

England lends a HAND to the Orphans

The Orphan Programme does many things ;sponsors orphans school fees, builds basic shelter when needed and, of course, the Sat Program, when 100 to 139 children who are orphaned by one or both parents from HIV-AIDS, spends the day with us learning skills, eating breakfast porridge and a huge lunch. In the afternoons we play ball, occasionally watch a movie and sometimes have an ART Program. Two Sat's in May and June were very special for the children ,and this blog will tell you why. Enjoy! --It is official--THE HAND TREE--- is completed and it is beautiful!

---Each child was able to keep one painted hand while the other was added to the "Hand Tree"

Let me tell you a litlle bit about these wonderful young women: All are from the UK, yet they didn't all know each other before volunteering their time here at St. Francis Hospital. ------(From Right) Charlie and Angela (well Angela is actually Irish but went to school in the UK), just became Medical Dr.'s and wanted to travel around Africa, which included volunteering their time and expertise here at St. Francis for a month. ----While Reesha and Kate are recent graduates from Oxford in Biology and Psychology , respectively. They also have travelled extensively and offered a month of their time to help us out. Wonderful young women , who make me feel safe and secure in a not so safe world. Truly with young women like these to take over "saving the world", nothing bad could happen. It was Reesha and Kate's idea to have the children make a "Hand Tree" , Angela and Charlie. pitched right in!

--When the hands were painted, the girls cut them out, readying them for the tree

--Here Charlie and Angela give examples to the guys how to go about making a hand tree

Each hand was traced, then the child decorated them as they wished-

It doesn't take much, just a little rice in a balloon for sound effect, blow it up and let the kids paint them. A big success! ---------Thanks Angela and Charlie!!