News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Celebrating the Journey- in Prayer and Partying

Dear Friends --------May 25, 2008

Woke early to ready myself and Michael for Mass:. I usually try to take a few minutes to sip on a cup of mint tea and go over the scripture readings for the day. Well, today is the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. and the scripture reading from John 6:56 reads “Whoever eats of my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me”. Now that takes more than a few minutes and a few sips of tea to meditate on.

I thought on all the conversations I have had with both Catholics and Non-Catholics as well, on this tenet of our Faith. I thought of all the division it has brought when we tell Non-Catholics not to receive Communion in our churches. It seems so arrogant of us, so superior, I wonder why a Non-Catholic would ever even want to attend a Catholic Mass in the first place.

Then I recall one of the many conversations my friend Becky and I had regarding this very subject. Becky was raised a strict Baptist, then was a Baptist Preachers wife for 20 years, before the whole family, no longer finding the spiritual solace they yearned for, converted to the Episcopal Church. Becky spent so much of her adult years in hospitals and often they were Catholic Hospitals and it was in one of these hospitals that she found a priest who brought the Eucharist to her bedside daily. Becky spoke of these daily visits as being the core of her spiritual life and the best of all healing balms

I recall her words so clearly , when asked about what she believed—she said” I am not sure what happens at the Consecration, but I know SOMETHING happens and whether the bread and wine changes may be a mystery but that I am changed is a surety.”.

Thank you dear Becky for those words, for your friendship but mostly for your Faith. I know that you are in heaven now and “see clearly” not as in a “dark glass”. I look forward to future conversations on this and many other of our favorite subjects when I join you round the Lords table.

Michael learning to sit up by himself!

Mass was particularly meaningful and poignant, as the Nursing Students had done such a lovely job of preparation. There were flowers strewn up the middle isle and outside all around the hospital grounds, preparing a path for the Procession that would follow at the end of Mass, prior to the Benediction.

Michael was particularly adorable in a bib overall with matching cap, that Diana had sent from the States. Quite by accident (if there is any such thing as an accident) I was wearing a dress that had been Becky’s, with a wrap that complimented it well, which I had purchased in Kisoro

Fr. John was in a native language mood today, so I had a chance to daydream on past years and conclude that this was the best “Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ ever”!
Following Mass we all processed to the hospital to give communion to the bed bound, then we followed the flower strewn path around the grounds singing, until we all processed into the church for Benediction

Fr. John DeVinney is near 57yrs and has been a priest for most of those years and yet
The reverence, with which he carries the Monstrance (Eucharist) while in Procession, as well as the Benediction, is that of a new priest. Everything about Fr. John is “Look at the Creator thru my eyes. Never “look at me”. We, as a community are fortunate to have him as our Pastor and I, personally, am honored to call him my friend.

Me carrying Michael combination of Western style and Ugandan-smile


Michael sitting up-----------------------------Nobert and Michael

Norbert (your far left) Playing their version of JAX'S

Walking home from Mass with Michael, I noticed I also had another little visitor trailing behind. It was adorable 21/2 yrs old Olivia, Sr. Justine’s daughter. Apparently she had taken her mother literally when she told her ”If you’d rather sit with Marie in church., then just go home with her and Michael” Ha

It is difficult to explain Olivia, unless you meet her: She is adorable, of course, but so strong willed. She does what she wants when she wants to and not an iota before that time. But, and this is the interesting part, she is not a bit contentious or irritable, nor does she have any desire to convince anyone (including her sometimes baffled Mom) that what she wants to do is the better way, she simply does it. In this case, she wanted to go outside during Mass after she had flitted from favorite lap to equally favorite lap, but when she fell on the stones and split her lip and scratched her defending hand, not a peep of complaint was heard, nor did she seem to expect or even want any sympathy. It is as if she is willing to accept the consequences of her decisions, no matter what they may be-ha

Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned for us all from Olivia--------------

. Well I offered her a glass of juice and a biscuit (cookie) while I visited with Michael step brother Wilber, who had walked a very long distance to see him. Wilber is a 16 yr. old, well spoken young man who genuinely seems to care about Michael (and he is not even a biological brother). He is also a gifted artist and presented Michael and I with several of his creations, which now adorn my walls.

Then having received my text message that Olivia was with me, Justine arrived and we all visited for quite a while .There was no concern on Justine’s face that Olivia had simply disappeared and I was reminded of the African adage (liberally taken by Hillary Clinton) that it does, indeed, take “a village” to raise a child

When they left, I started to prepare desserts for the two medical students I had invited later in the day, when all the sudden I got the idea “Why not have a dessert party and invite lots of people?” Hum, there goes my quiet day, but I thought the sign to follow this impulse would be if Michael went down easily for a nap and following his bottle, it happened. So I made two batches of chocolate .chip cookies, a chocolate cake and peanut butter balls, all within 2 hours and minus baking soda (ha) I text message several people on the grounds that there would be a “Dessert Gathering” at 5pm and Please stop by. Now no one had a clue what a dessert gathering could possible be but, maybe out of curiosity, about 20 people showed up-Ha

I served hot tea and coffee and ice tea (or they refer to it as American Tea). It was wonderful to have my home filled with people ( 4 Dr.s and maybe 15 Nurses) from Uganda, Holland. And me, the token American.

Michael was rested and loving all the attention and happily showed off his ability to “sit” by himself, to any and all visitors, breaking his record by sitting alone for 10 min. He was obviously getting tired but didn’t seem to know how to end the session (as he hadn’t tipped over) so I had to rescue him, which earned me a big smile..

I could kick myself for not taking any pictures of my visitors, but I did take a couple of photos of a mid day visit from Norbert (Justines 8 year old son, home from boarding school ) and his two friends, who had just come to visit .but finding me a trifle busy, ask to borrow the Jax’s, to increase their skill.. “Sure”. I said “but play outside on the front porch, so as not to wake Michael. Well, I am not quite sure what game they were playing with the Jax’s and two bouncing balls, but I seriously doubt it was Jax.s, as the ball seemed to be everywhere but near the jax’s. and from the hooting and hollering going on, I suspect a whole new use was found for those toys.

So, it turned out to be a day full of magical moments, reverent prayer, and giggling children , so unlike the (quiet) day I THOUGHT I wanted. Yes, as always, God had a better day planned for me than I could have ever planned for myself.



----Gardening with Friends---

How lucky am I that I not only have friends who love me but also love to Garden!

Bill, Carol and Robina prepared the groundwork for Bill to design beautiful gardens both on the front of my home and the side, while Carol slaved over creating a vegetable garden that I might have salad ingredients like lettuce, radishes and hopefully spinach and cauliflower in the near future.
Salads are unheard of here, so I have gone a year with cabbage acting as lettuce, but now I have all the lettuce I could want and when I learn to pick the radishes before they meld to the size of a baseball, I may even have a decent radish-ha.
I have yet to take any photos of the vegetable garden but these photos will show the beginnings of what has already turned into a lush flower garden.
Thanks Carol, Bill and Robina for creating a masterpiece,
PS--- My home is a duplex of sorts, my side having the yellow paint and my neighbors home is in the turquoise blue. My neighbor is mostly away at school, only coming home on holidays, so I have a great deal of privacy, which I savor. Not sure how long that will last, as they are just completing a two family dwelling next door (with the blue tin roof).. .

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Dear Friends

There is a National Park not too terribly far away from Kisoro called Mgahinga and I just love it! The coolest thing about this is when you are sitting on the raised deck, you are able to view three countries at the same time- Uganda—Rwanda and the Congo.

Carol and Bill and I were driven there by Sheba and while he wowed the visiting members of Parliament with his communication skills (not saying a thing about his dapper attire) we enjoyed a light meal and a sunset. view of the mountains. We stayed at a Community Camp right outside the entrance to the park, which Sheba had started as means for the local community to benefit from the revenue from the park. Many of them had been displaced from property owned by their families when the Government took over their land, Sheba’s family being one of them.

Apparently we just happened upon a meeting between the community and members of Parliament regarding access to water and the destruction of property and livestock from wild animals. Sheba mediated this meeting, translating the local language to the Ugandan dialect the “city” folk could understand and visa versa.

Some tourist even trek gorilla’s from this park, but the primary attraction is the presence of a very rare and elusive monkey called the “golden monkey. So Bill and Carol chose to trek to see these monkeys the next morning, while I took” the road less traveled” and decided on a quiet meditative day lounging on the deck. Who’s to say who took the better path, but for me reading a bit, praying a bit and lounging a lot of “bits” was just what the doctor ordered.
I plan to alternate between Mygihinga and Lake Mutanda for meditative weekends every 6 weeks or so. Both are comparatively close by and remarkable inexpensive..

Enjoy the photos of Mygihinga, the golden monkey, cave exploration where the Banta people (the pigmies) once lived, and mostly the sheer beauty of the surroundings.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

--Holiday at Home with Carol and Bill

-----------------Mutolere Primary School---Bill talking to Dennis a teacher--
I love these two pictures taken of Carol while scavenging for flowers to decorate my home.

Me and Michael sitting out front getting some sun

Dear Friends

We were able to return to my home at St. Francis Hospital, Mutolere, the same day we trekked gorilla’s, as Kisoro is only a hop skip and a jump away from Rwanda .Of course for Bill it wasn’t returning, as it was for Carol and I, but his first time to see the home and the life I have been living the last 12 months.. Actually his first time in Uganda, though he had lived in Africa many years ago as a student.

Emmanuel harvesting Avocadoes-smile

Carol bathing Michael

Bill feeding Michael

Jennifer and Robina watching movies on the computer in my bedroom

I was so proud of the “ life” I have created here in Uganda, both emotionally and physically. It felt very reassuring to have a friend of some 28 years compliment my home and lifestyle..

Robina had flowers on the table and at each bedside and following getting settled in our rooms and showering with my wonderful instant heater (an electrical hookup that just heats the water as it comes thru the shower, we sat down to a pleasant African Meal of cooked pumpkin among other things.

Emmanuel teaching Carol to make capati

Now we are eating the capati !

Carol and Bill doing their laundry-Ugandan style!

How many can you fit into Marie's tiny kitchen?

Sitting down to bless our food and friendship : Bill, Robina and Carol

Bill had his own private quarters in the cook house bedroom and was able to get away from all the girls for short respites when necessary-smile.

We were actually here all together for only 8 days before we set off on our next Tour, but they were jammed pack full of activities, parties and enjoying Baby Michael.

My kitchen is tiny and both Carol and Bill love to cook (which pleased me to the core), so it seems that a lot of the “at home” photos could be labeled “How many people can you fit in Marie’s kitchen?” Ha

My friend Emmanuel taught Carol how to make capati, a flat bread that is delicious alone or with anything on it or in it—yummy.. Carol became an expert and in no time flat ( am I punny or what?) she was making capati for breakfast, lunch and dinner, even as chips for guacamole.

Since we have avocado trees just outside my yard, we even picked our own (actually they were a bit high in the tree, so Emmanuel knocked them down by throwing a broom up into the tree)..

I worked a little while Bill was here, so that he and Carol might experience a bit of my daily life. One of those days we walked to the local primary school so that I might distribute Albendazole for deworming to over 1000 children! Twice a year in March and October the government distributes this medicine for Public Health to give to all the school age children.

Me handing out Albendazole for deworming to over 1000 children

Saturday, May 17, 2008

-------Controlled Power----

Gorilla Trekking to Sabyinyo Mountain--------Rwanda
----Dear Friends

Gorilla trekking is an interesting phenomenon.: Basically you arise at some ridiculous time of the morning, pay an exorbitant amt. of money and walk (fancy name is “trek”) a long distance , all to see a family of Gorilla’s as they live their life in the wild.

Yes, we Americans and many Europeans, happily dole out $500 bucks for this once in a lifetime event ( only because few people could afford to do it more than once a lifetime- ha) .

In our case we had to arrange with our trusty guide Sheba, months in advance for the permits necessary. Though as a Ugandan resident, I would have received a discount if we had trekked from the Ugandan side, the difficulty in the hike from Uganda far outweighed the $25 I would have saved, thus I am happy we chose to hike from Rwanda.

Our First Encounter was with the Silverback-who seemed to be waiting for us

. The most difficult part of the hike was actually getting to the forest, as it had rained and the muddy trail was at times slippery and challenging. Once we entered the bamboo forest, we saw the Daddy of them all, the Silverback, just lying there with a look that said “Well, it’s about time you all got here, we can’t wait forever you know” And then the show began: The Silverback in all his majesty, the Moms and babies and young ones playing and vying for attention. We were able toe see a gorilla gnawing on a bamboo stick and a young one’s attempt to claim a Mommy as his own and her gentle but firm resistance that he go find his own Mama. (smile)

It was truly a remarkable excursion and yes Dion Fossey, it was worth every penny. Speaking of Ms. Fossey and her incredible work with the mountain gorillas: My town Kisoro, Uganda was one of her bases, and besides a small museum in town, there is also a well known hotel called the Travellers Rest, where she stayed, with many writings and artifacts about her and her work..

I haven’t particularly enjoyed the food at the Travellers Rest, but the atmosphere is very inviting. . I have been wanting to rewatch the movie “Gorilla’s in the Mist” but there have not been any available copies. That movie and” The Last King of Scotland” (which I do have) did a good bit of filming right here in Kisoro with the volcanic mountains as backdrop.

Carol rests a bit before going on!

Back to our Gorilla Trekking: We and many other people arrived bright and early to see which group we would be in and receive our briefing. We expected the division would have more to do with physical ability but to our surprise it was based on whether English was your first language. So in our group there were 5 American (the three of us and a father-son duo) We also had two people from Ireland, one from the UK (or was she from Australia Carol?): We had a great guide named Patience and he lived his name to the fullest, as besides our slipping and sliding on the muddy rocks, we had to learn “Gorilla Etiquette” which is to crouch down if they walked near us , lowering our eyes to the ground. We had to do this twice when Daddy Warbucks (my name for the Silverback) walked right by our little group. Wow, it was a powerful moment and he is a most powerful yet good man That is how our Guide referred to him as a ”good Man”..

I recalled many years ago when I lived in Arizona and had an opportunity to attend a basketball game between the Phoenix Suns and the Phila. 76ers. I had watched Dr. J (Julius Erving) on TV many times but was astonished at his largeness in person. His body, his hands, even his ears seemed so huge! (Is anybody reading this old enough to remember Dr. J-smile?)

Well because I was from Phila. And then lived in Phoenix, I seemed unable to decide which team I was for, so I cheered for them both-Ha. Didn’t matter who got the points, I cheered! Until, at break time, when walking to the Rest Room, Dr. J himself said to me “Make up your mind what team you want to win.”, with a huge grin on his proportionally massive face. Ha

There is something about ”Controlled Power” that I find compelling (in my younger days, I’d say “turns me on”-smile) and that same trait was evident in the Gorilla’s , specifically the Silverback, as in Dr. J.. But where I found it most compelling was in the “Water Buck”, a truly majestic Deer, which we were honored to see and photograph in our travels..

For those of you that find my writing interesting, you should really get into my brain-ha. It is just a whirlwind of free association, as evidenced by this blog. That is why I initially took up Meditation some millions of years ago, which now has become the bedrock of my spiritual life.

Someone once said” Prayer is talking to God, Meditation is listening to God.” Not sure that is completely true but there is something to it. If I don’t “make time to meditate ie: to “listen to God”, my life goes awry . If I do, then I seem able to handle whatever comes at me.

AMEN! (Enjoy the photos-‘specially you, Cousin George)


-----My Photo Album--

Dear Friends
Enjoy these pics of our day Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda
The Silverback amidst the Bamboo Forest

Bill taking a break from the Gorilla trekking---or maybe just checking out the scenery
Moms and their kids
-----"-OK meetings over let's go play"
"But Mom , I don't want to take nap"

The guy facing us looks annoyed to me, but fortunately not at us. Or is he? Hum