News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

AIDS Orphan Program-St.Francis Hospital-Mutolere Uganda

Group Hug welcome from the children of the AIDS Orphan Program

 It has only been a short time since I have seen, sang with, played with and celebrated all the children from the AIDS Orphans Program-St. Francis Hospital-Mutolere-Kisoro Uganda, but I miss their smiling faces already.
The younger children from the program

Each Sat. as many as 130 children walk many miles to spend the day with us. After breakfast porridge, come skills, where the children learn to make paper jewelry, mats, baskets, type and sew.
Finished every bite of lunch and ready to play

*Then a nice big lunch of rice and beans, plantain banana's or whatever is available, followed by fun , fun, fun! Games, sports and an occasional party.
  (below there is singing, local dancing and our own Olympics )

  -------------* The breakfast/lunch program's funding has ended and now it is a week to week venture. Kind friend Barton Brooks from Global Colours has given support that should take us thru this year, but more support is needed, if the program is to continue.Contact me if you are interested in helping--the cost is about $38 /week to feed 130 children breakfast and lunch (likely the only full meal they may receive all week).

The children and, o yeah, a silly boy and his tire :)

               The children have learned to make awesome jewelry from shiny paper (like calendar paper), which I just happen to have come home with tons to sell :) (blog to follow with pics ect.) Necklaces (short and long, earrings + bracelets)  Every shilling (penny) goes to the program to support these children who have been orphaned by one or both parents from HIV-AIDS
                       Much love and appreciation


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