News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lake Mutanda-A stream of life giving water

------------Blesses is the man who trusts in the Lord...
------------He is like a tree planted beside still waters
------------that stretches out it's roots to the stream
-------------------Jeremiah 17: 7-8

A couple of weeks ago , Dr. Ronald and Barbara Wick arrived from the States to offer their services (via MDA-Mission Dr.'s Association--sister to LMH -Lay Mission Helpers) to the people of St. Francis Hospital-Mutolere. Ron as a General Practitioner and Barb has dug out her unused skills as a physical therapist to help our patients. They have done this kind of missionary-type thing before ;in Papa New Guinea and Bolivia, so ,3 months of this temperate climate, living next door to me (smile) should not be too much to handle for these veterans. As they say in Uganda -------"You are Most Welcome" ------------ View of man canoeing on Lake Mutanda

Last weekend it was my intention to take them to Lake Mutanda for lunch and then I was going to stay over night, as I mentally started to prepare myself for leaving Uganda. But wonder of wonders- Powerman, the owner of the Lodge, invited us all to stay over for only the cost of food and drink.Well, that is not the kind of offer one easily turns down, so we arrived for a delightful 24 hr. stay with a few belonging, a hearty appetite and enough books to last us several weeks! ---Lake Mutanda with a view of all three volcanic mountains: Mgahinga, Muhabura and Sabinyo. I have said it before and I'll say it again"It just doesn't get more beautiful than this!"

--------------Ronald + Barbara enjoying Lake Mutanda

------------Cabin-tents on Lake Mutanda(each with it's own full bathroom-ah)

As we readied to leave, a big rain storm, with hail, appeared....delaying our departure (Ah, shucks-ha), but following some hot chocolate by a toasty fire and yet more conversation, we trekked up the hill to meet our driver , returning a bit muddier, but safely, to our St. Francis home-away-from home. -----------------Dr. Ronald doing "rounds" in the Medical Wardof St. Francis Hospital- Mutolere.

It was a blessing in many ways to have this time of R+R at Lake Mutanda, as a busy week awaited us all. Ron seeing scads of patients,Barbara attempting to do range of motion on patients who ,at first, were quite resistant. Me, having lots of mini-adventures in Public Health, Pediatrics and specifically with the mother of Baby Brenda(* See "Baby Brenda Survives and Thrives" Oct 2009)

Baby Brenda is doing well with a combination of formula feedings and Mom's breast milk, but Mama Brenda (Alfia) struggles with congestive heart failure and required a procedure to save her life, so that she might continue to care for Brenda, as well as her other 6 children.
It seemed to take forever to pull it together but finally surgery was performed on Thursday., but, as is the habit here, she was discharged on friday, a bit too early, even for this woman who reports have it, spends hours in the fields digging daily, as when she arrived at my home she was weak, quiet faint, with Baby Brenda falling out of the back of her clothing,......After getting her stable and admitted for yet one more nights rest, then Baby Brenda needed tending ;including milk, as Mom's milk had temporarily dried up from the anesthesia.

This all happened before 11am on friday, my supposed day off (ha), but it worked out well, as Mom was again discharged on Saturday, with both she and Baby Brenda in greatly improved conditions.(It was not an appropriate situation to be snapping pics, but trust me when I say, a black-skinned person can , indeed, appear pale.
* -Oct. 2009 "Baby Brenda Survives and Thrives"

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Lake Mburo National Park- "First Come, first serve"

Dear friend Bill Northrup came to visit for a very short 8 days, but we packed them full with: Breakfast Buffet at Hotel Rwanda (actual name is Hotel Des mille Collines), New Years Celebration here with my St. Francis family. Click enter my user name : mariecmcgee--for details

A trip to both Lake Bunyonyi and Lake Mburo.A wonderful visit with Baby Michael and lots of time just enjoying each others company. Thank you Bill for making this trip across the ocean just to help me welcome 2010. You're the best!!! Click onto : ---------if no luck try: and enter my user name: mariecmcgee . Check out the video entitled -------Lake Mburo National Park-First Come , First Serve
.Also, two mini video's of the lake, as well as an adorable mischivious monkey. Enjoy!!!
-------------- Sheba + Marie breakfasting at Lake Mburo

Traveling anywhere with Sheba is always a treat. He sings to us frequently, often local songs, sometimes christian hymns in Rufumbira or English. He says "I feel a song coming" What fun!

Monday, January 04, 2010

New Year 2010----------Bring it on--------- with brownies + blessings

Bill with his african shirt he had bought from a previous visit and a can of Ugandan beer in hand. Interestingly enough we met some 30 years ago at a New Years Eve Party at the McGarey household in Scottsdale AZ.

As we all sat around a campfire, eating and drinking and enjoying each others company, I thought--Would I ever have believed I would be in Uganda with long time friend Bill Northrup, awaiting 2010 , with my St. Francis-Mutolere family + many visitors from Germany and Holland? Hum-
each year holds so many surprises!----------------------------------------


Here Bill is counting down the minutes till midnight in Uganda, some 8 to 10 hours earlier than the States would be celebrating.

WELCOME 2010--I am ready and waiting for you but , the question is "Are you ready for me?" ------------Norbert and Alex "licking the brownie batter" bowl, that I had prepared for the New Years Eve Celebration with Dr. Damian, his wife Waltraud and many others from Germany, Holland, Uganda and Bill and myself.

Check our for a birds eye view of bringing in the New Year

my user name is : mariecmcgee and the video is second of two, entitled "Happy New Year"