News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You must be the change you wish to see in the world." M. Gandhi

Dear Friends--------Lots of stories to tell but I seem to be so busy living them, I don't have time to tell them. So please accept this collage of pics from the past month. ------Michael was home for a visit. Hard to believe that less than 2 lb. baby will be 2 years old next month. My new name will be "GRAMMY" for Michael and any future grandchilish little ones that God sends my way.

I think I look a bit more like Marie Curie in this pic than Marie McGee(dang they keep making the print smaller and smaller on those medicine bottles) Ha

I had a pretty serious "eye scare" about a month ago, which happily turned out to be only that--a scare--nothing serious at all. So now I wear the glasses I should have been wearing all along (but only when I am working-smile

Pentecost Sunday has always been a particularly meaningful day to me (since back in Sunshine Acres Children's Home) days in Mesa, Arizonia. This year was no exception and I looked the occasion in my yellow and orange/red shawl. Then when gifted with those gorgeous orange cactus -like flowers---well it was just calling to be photographed. I am walking from church to my home, in this shot.

---Marie with the kids from the Program. Close up is of Judith, precious and a favorite of mine (Shhh).

---Marie with some of the kids from the Sat. "AIDS Orphan Program"

---Marie having fun with Sr. Bonnie and Sofie (from Sweden)

---I call this "Mzungu Nite Out" from left Dr. Damian, me ,Dr. Lou Coda, Marty Coda, Anthony Coda, Cayce (Louie's sister) and John Coda. Back left: Waltraud, (Dr. Damians wife) Diana (Cayce's friend) and Kate (from the UK). Crouching down is Dr. Ronald from Holland (volunteer surgeon)

Heather sent this to me, from one of her gigs as a rock and roll singer with "The Fifth" the band with whom she sings. I'll never be that skinny again (actually don't think I ever was-ha


  • At Sun Jun 28, 08:29:00 PM , Anonymous Arky Brian said...

    Such a JOY to see all these pictures and the memories that you are collecting. You are so blessed to be there amongst those unfortunate people. It is an honor that you have to be able to bless those hearts and minds of people from so many different continents and countrys. I am so envious of the life that you have so gracious given to God and allowed Him to use in that small part of his world. I am blessed each time that I read of your continued journeys. Thank you so much for being apart of my life, a part of James life and your gift of love to the HIV community.

  • At Sat Jul 04, 11:03:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Marie, You are the change the world needs to see. We love that quote. These pictures are beautiful and timely for several reasons. They represent the best of Uganda's gift to you and your gift of heart service to the people there. This is an amazing journey you are on. It is a true blessing to share it on your blog page. It is a story in the telling. You are building quite a legacy. For now, you keep gathering treasures of those true moments of loving kindness, sacrifice, generous sharing, kindred connections and authentic living. Our prayers and blessings are with you during this particular time, where you are once again pouring out that very unique 'designer brand' of annointed presence, that our gracious Heavenly Father has deposited into you, to take to those 'he is espcially fond of', in their time of need. We love you and are grateful for the wonderful ways you continue to 'light up the world' and our lives. hugs, mj and kj

  • At Sun Dec 20, 11:22:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Marie Mcgee, You are one person
    I know will never change. I wonder if people know you have always been
    the loving giving person they see
    today. I know because I'm the Black
    pearl to your White pearl and I have the inside track and I know
    Michael is blessed to have you
    and all your new friends also


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