Dear Friends--------Lots of stories to tell but I seem to be so busy living them, I don't have time to tell them. So please accept this collage of pics from the past month.

------Michael was home for a visit. Hard to believe that less than 2 lb. baby will be 2 years old next month. My new name will be "GRAMMY" for Michael and any future grandchilish little ones that God sends my way.
I think I look a bit more like Marie Curie in this pic than Marie McGee(dang they keep making the print smaller and smaller on those medicine bottles) Ha

I had a pretty serious "eye scare" about a month ago, which happily turned out to be only that--a scare--nothing serious at all. So now I wear the glasses I should have been wearing all along (but only when I am working-smile

Pentecost Sunday has always been a particularly meaningful day to me (since back in Sunshine Acres Children's Home) days in Mesa, Arizonia. This year was no exception and I looked the occasion in my yellow and orange/red shawl. Then when gifted with those gorgeous orange cactus -like flowers---well it was just calling to be photographed. I am walking from church to my home, in this shot.

---Marie with the kids from the Program. Close up is of Judith, precious and a favorite of mine (Shhh).

---Marie with some of the kids from the Sat. "AIDS Orphan Program"

---Marie having fun with Sr. Bonnie and Sofie (from Sweden)

---I call this "Mzungu Nite Out" from left Dr. Damian, me ,Dr. Lou Coda, Marty Coda, Anthony Coda, Cayce (Louie's sister) and John Coda. Back left: Waltraud, (Dr. Damians wife) Diana (Cayce's friend) and Kate (from the UK). Crouching down is Dr. Ronald from Holland (volunteer surgeon)

Heather sent this to me, from one of her gigs as a rock and roll singer with "The Fifth" the band with whom she sings. I'll never be that skinny again (actually don't think I ever was-ha