We Are GOD'S Hands On Earth
Daniel is another one of God’s little miracles, as not only is his progress amazing, but the fact that he tested negative for HIV-AIDS is, in itself, miraculous. His Mother died from malaria when he was only 3 weeks old, yet we found out at a later date, she was HIV+ herself.
A dry blood smear HIV test was done on Daniel when he was about 4 mo.old but we only received the results upon my return from the States, early this year. Good news that’s for sure but a bit unsettling as his primary caregiver, his 9 year sister , was unable to attend school, as she was needed by the grandmother, to attend to the baby.
Waltraud, the German-born wife of Dr. Damian spoke to me of a new Fund she had arranged, specifically for” Babies At Risk”, while recently visiting her homeland. This fund though limited, was just what Daniel needed. Following a month of all the formula his little belly could hold as well as all the cereal, bananas and pumpkin (we’d call squash), he could eat , he made enormous strides. Though his mind always wanted more to eat, his poor little shrunken internal belly often paid the price.
The kind people who funded his formula arrived from Germany only days ago and are thrilled with his progress, as are we here at St. Francis Hospital. Today Daniel joins Michael and 13 other “Babies at risk” to live in Potters Village.
Photo’s enclosed are from a month ago and the other as recent as yesterday. Seeing the change in this little one is like watching God in action. I recall my dear friend Carol Balderree’s advice when I struggled with similar issue-----AFTERALL--- WE ARE GOD”S HANDS ON EARTH. ----------AMEN SISTER!
-----Feb 1--- Daniels arrival date