News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Friday, February 27, 2009

We Are GOD'S Hands On Earth

Daniel was a 7 month old baby suffering from Malnutrition. Only a month ago he weighed 4.5 kgs.(under 10 pounds). Yet, yesterday, at 8 mo. of age., he weighed in at 5.5 kgs ( a bit over 12 pounds). His malnutrition is the better of two kinds and easily reversible, as although he had the swollen belly and red-tinged hair (lack of pigment), he did not have any liver or kidney damage.

Daniel is another one of God’s little miracles, as not only is his progress amazing, but the fact that he tested negative for HIV-AIDS is, in itself, miraculous. His Mother died from malaria when he was only 3 weeks old, yet we found out at a later date, she was HIV+ herself.

A dry blood smear HIV test was done on Daniel when he was about 4 mo.old but we only received the results upon my return from the States, early this year. Good news that’s for sure but a bit unsettling as his primary caregiver, his 9 year sister , was unable to attend school, as she was needed by the grandmother, to attend to the baby.

Waltraud, the German-born wife of Dr. Damian spoke to me of a new Fund she had arranged, specifically for” Babies At Risk”, while recently visiting her homeland. This fund though limited, was just what Daniel needed. Following a month of all the formula his little belly could hold as well as all the cereal, bananas and pumpkin (we’d call squash), he could eat , he made enormous strides. Though his mind always wanted more to eat, his poor little shrunken internal belly often paid the price.

The kind people who funded his formula arrived from Germany only days ago and are thrilled with his progress, as are we here at St. Francis Hospital. Today Daniel joins Michael and 13 other “Babies at risk” to live in Potters Village.

Photo’s enclosed are from a month ago and the other as recent as yesterday. Seeing the change in this little one is like watching God in action. I recall my dear friend Carol Balderree’s advice when I struggled with similar issue-----AFTERALL--- WE ARE GOD”S HANDS ON EARTH. ----------AMEN SISTER!

-----Feb 1--- Daniels arrival date

Friday, February 20, 2009

RAGABABIES--Doll Party --Part Two

----------------------MAKE TEA AND DOLLS__NOT WAR!!! Ragababies were a big hit and knowing that a African-American girl spent their day at a Tea Party, just to decorated each doll individually for a Ugandan AIDS Orphan---makes them even more special.
"THANK YOU AMERICA" a mini video-can be seen on You Tube-just put my name in :Marie McGee

You can't see my shirt well in these pictures, but it is an OBAMA shirt and I am so proud to wear it.

Sherri--You can not imagine how hard I tried to put your advertisemsnt photo's for Ragababy in this and the previous blog. Apparently the only thing that will work is if they are sent to me in Jpeg. So sorry!

Hope the children who decorated these dolls know how very much the children are enjoying them.

--Here all the kids are showing off their dolls! (you might be able to see my pale face toward the back-ha

---Here I am holding a Ragababy while the children enjoy their own dolls(no I didn't take it home-smile)

-------Look at my Ragababy--it's the best ever!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Doll Party Jan. 31, 2009 Part One

OK,here we have two beautiful ballerina's and the first Rag-a baby. Next time will be lots more pics of the wonderful Ragababies by Sherri and the young girls who individually decorated a doll for our AIDS Orphans. Hopefully by then I will have learned a way to copy the great pics of Sherri's kids, as well as my kids receiving them. Thanks so very much to you all for making this glorious day come true!

Far left is the lucky girl who received the only wedding dress doll. In the center is an awesome woman Dr. with stetescope and all. Far right is the ballerina doll. All were a hit!

The Barbie-like dolls were such a hit! But I had to have the tailor"Innocent" dress a few of them appropriately. Bathing suits are just fancy underwear to these children, since no one knows how to swim and thinks we are crazy for amusing ourselves in such a manner

There were not enough dolls for all the girls so the older girls received necklaces. Here they are lined up , wishing they were a bit younger--sorry girls.

------Sisters, Cecilia and Josephine received the boy and girl dolls from Joan

Children showing off their dolls. In the mini video they yell with glee "Thank You America!"

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Mint Tea and Melancholy---that's Me

-----------------OK, I know they are not for me but I can enjoy them until "The Doll Party", can't I?

On Sat., the 31st, the big day of giving out the beautiful dolls to the AIDS Orphans will finally be here. I expect that the good people who made/sent them and I are more excited than the children, who really do not have an understanding of what a lovely surprise is coming their way.

The sodas and the treats have been ordered, the music for the party has been arranged, the dolls have been lined up ready for distribution according to age. All is in order, except me! Yikes, of all times, my body and heart are ailing since yesterday.

Occasionally my “tummy” gives me a bit of trouble, reminding me that I am ever so human and since Wed. that has been the case. It hasn’t stopped me from two very full days of work, but, today,(my day off) should be a day of rest. Mint tea has been the only thing to cross my lips for the last 24 hrs. O, how I yearn for a can of old fashioned Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup and some saltines!

Yesterday, I arrived in the Pediatric Ward to find a baby struggling to breathe, lungs full to the brim and semi-conscious. There was a suction machine but since it is apparently as old as I am (and, may I say—not in anywhere as good shape), I worked to make it useable, in an attempt to suction some of the secretions from this little one, but was unsuccessful. Off to the Theatre (surgery) I go, begging for assistance, which eventually arrived.

After much ado, I was able to suction Baby Dika’s nose and mouth, then following with some postural drainage, I repositioned her. The nursing students always seem surprised to see me simply sitting, touching a child while quietly in prayer, but yesterday was more astonishing than usual. There must have been six or seven students observing every move I made, from my frenetic efforts to suction her, to giving postural drainage, to the reverence of silent prayer, yet I was unable to tell from the look on their faces which activity they found most unusual.

While in prayer, I had a knowing that this little one was close to being in the heavens with her Creator and nothing I could do or try to do would keep her in her body. Initially within this awareness was a sense of void, a giant hole filled with nothing –the utter cold and empty death-dark of it. But then, I got “out of the way “, out of the way of a Greater Plan beyond my understanding. When I did that, I was instantly filled with a swirling sense of God’s Presence; in this child, in the students, even within myself.

I saw/felt the life energy of her body emanating from her, or was it my energy force melding with hers? I didn’t know, I still don’t. It was one of those moments in life you can’t explain, you can only experience. It was a gift, a moment of knowing the “Oneness”, the interconnectedness of all life .

I left to attend a meeting with Waltraud about the future of Baby Daniel, the 7 mo. old featured in a previous Blog entitled “Love is Love, that’s all.” The good news is that miraculously Daniel is HIV neg., the bad news is that weighing less than 10 lbs. , some intervention is necessary if he is to make it. Options were considered and Ithen trudged thru the pouring rain (plastic shoes are made for this country), only to find that Baby Dika had died only moments before my return.

My eyes filled with tears, I hugged the parents as they stood stoically watching their baby being wrapped in burial rags..It seems so cold, so primitive this wrapping of the body, but it makes sense here in a country where embalming is rare and burial is on the family property usually within 24 hrs. of the death

*Tears have taught me a tremendous amount, and I know now that they come bearing important gifts.. There has emerged a half-baked spiritual myth that invalidates sadness, claiming it is beneath us, if we are walking the path to true enlightenment.
.But surely one of the most powerful lines in the scriptures is one of the simplest; “Jesus wept” There is nothing unenlightened about crying over the tragedy of human suffering ;perhaps what is neurotic is how infrequently we do. There is an old Buddhist story about a monk who stood crying by the grave of his master. A traveler came by and saw his tears. “Why would you cry? I thought you ere enlightened!”. The monk replied, ---------------------------“Because I am sad.”----------------------

Today I cry because I am sad, today I drink mint tea for my tummy ache, today I am melancholy. Tomorrow I will celebrate the African-American children who had a tea party to make dolls for the AIDS Orphans in Uganda. I will dance and laugh and take scads of photos .I will” Celebrate the Journey” and anticipate your sharing the joy with me next time.

*From Marianne Williamson’s “Everyday Grace”

-------Florida, the daughter of Maria Goretti had first pickins of the dolls

--------Opening the boxes of dolls was Christmas for me. Soon, I get to share them!