Dear Friends
Short and sweet, just some pictures of favorite holiday memories.
I am now officially Michaels "Foster" mother until June when the family will decide if they are able to handle him. What a joy his being in my life and home has been. Bert captured us "sleeping in" one morning.

On Christmas Day I gave out gift to all the children in Pediatrics. Thanks Ms. Ellie and Carol!!

Each child received either a tiny car, coloring book or a tiny doll. All were thrilled with whatever they received.

Here I am as "The hostess with the mostest" offering my McBread to Justine, her Olivia and Diana seated on the couch.

Seated at our Christmas Feast were: Immaculate andher Sara, Bert, Emmanuel (dressed as a Ugandan Flag-smile) his friend Dan , Diana and yours truly. Unfortunately the turkey was dismembered before we could tell the man to leave it whole(who would even think of mentioning such a thing-ha?)

Emma (Emmanuel) cooking African dishes for Bert(I certainly wasn't going to eat them-ha) on both NewYears Eve and New Years Day.

Diana holding a beer and me a rattle( maybe we are the same age but certainly celebrate differently these days-Ha------Note the beautiful table arrangement Bert made from all local flowers and greenery.

Bert and Marie finally ready to serve the Christmas Feast!