In the morning we had an ART Day with the children, doing everything from Painting to Bead Work. What Fun!!
Less than a month ago, as i readied to leave my life in Uganda, as a medical missionary , the children at the AIDS Orphan Program gave me a wonderful Farewell Party. These children, along with Baby Michael, the child I raised from a 9kg (less than 2 lb) infant, were a big part of my mission at St. Francis Hospital-Mutolere and will always remain an equally big part of my heart.
My Facebook Friends have already seen this mini video , but I hope you will now have an opportunity to view via Blogger (thanks to high speed internet-smile). I have also included several short video's of the children entertaining me with song and dance.
Michael now lives in his village with his father and step-mother. He struggles with a weakened immune system, as all preemies do ,and my prayer is that he survives until he is 5 or 6 years old and able to be a tough little boy, like the other children in the village.
Only two days before this video, his stepmother had dropped him off at my home as he was covered in pox marks each filled with pus, as well as had three insects embedded in his feet, which we had to dig out. He was started on IM and PO antibiotics and the white stuff all over his body is calamine lotion, which helped to dry up the pustuals, as well as cut down on the severe itching he was experiencing.
Following several days of treatment, he was again returned to his village
The gift (there always is a gift in heartache, when we can "see" it,) is that I would not have had this time with him, prior to leaving Uganda, if not for this illness.
Although there were tears of farewell, there was also lots of singing and dancing with the children. I hope you will enjoy these "Last Farewell" memories of our time together.
--------------------------------Marie (Mama Michael)
Local Dancing AIDS Orphans Program