Go somewhere (Haiti) and do something (help!)
Barton is in Haiti now and has been since almost day 1 and will be until? Read all about his adventures in Oprah Magazine or thru his site --www.guerrillaaid.com
Click on "Endeavors" or simply stare at the cover photo (up to you) smile .Check out Elan Magazine: http://www.elanwoman.com/
---The contact page of the Elan magazine website
"Go somewhere and do something and then teach somebody else how to do it"
-----------Barton Brooks
-----------Barton Brooks
A simple philosophy, simply lived by a less than simple man; My friend Barton Brooks
Click on "Endeavors" or simply stare at the cover photo (up to you) smile .Check out Elan Magazine: http://www.elanwoman.com/
---The contact page of the Elan magazine website