News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Dear Friends
Easter was a particularly special one for me this year, with all the elements of Rebirth, Renewal and Resurrection !
Holy week in itself was unique, with beautiful services of ; Reconciliation, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday; All thanks to Fr. John Vianney, who set the tone which led us from the Celebration of Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem, thru the washing of the feet on Thursday ,into the Way of the Cross , the reading of the “Passion” and the Veneration of the cross on Friday.
-----Easter Vigil Service of Light began outside with a bonfire!

By the time we arrived at the Easter Vigil Service Of Light, with a bonfire aglow, we were spiritually ready to process into a darkened church , soon to be bathed in candle light initiated from the Pascal candle.
-----Michael visited over Palm Sunday Weekend, celebrating one year since his Baptism. Here he is looking at my display of palms, while I am dressed and ready for a day of work.

-----Palm Sunday-We all processed thru the hospital singing --Hosannah

Both Dr. Lou and I added an American voice as lectors : I with the first Genesis reading and he with the only new testament reading prior to the gospel. I felt honored to read the story of Creation ; slowly and with a feeling and an understanding that up to now had eluded me. As I started to read “In the beginning God created heaven and earth”, I had a knowing that whether one chose to believe this scripture as a literal interpretation or a metaphorical one mattered not, what mattered was that when God created the world, “He saw that it was good” .
Dr .Lou read from Romans 6(3-11) “as Christ was raised from the dead in God’s glory, we too might live a new life.” As Louie read clearly and distinctly these words of promise, I felt a sense that , perhaps they had been written just for me, as a reminder -----that I might start again to live a New Life in Christ.
How fortunate we all are to be given a second, a third, an innumerable number of chances to “get it right” I, for one, seem to need as many opportunities as possible to start over , to live a new life. It can be discouraging when I consider my faults, my misgiving, the same old traps I fall into over and over again. Yet it is then that I imagine God looks lovingly at me, smiles at my goof-up’s and says “ IT IS GOOD, you are good, the world is good. I made it, I should know”-smile .

I had the opportunity to teach 9 young women the ”Emmanuel” Liturgical Dance that so many have performed at* Heartsong Retreats over the past 18 years. Eight young Nursing Students and Sofie, a young student from Sweden doing her internship in Uganda . They were beautiful, reverent and with the added touch of the traditional skirt-wrap adorning each dancer, it was truly a Praise Dance worthy of a King –Christ the King.

-------------------------GOD IS WITH US!

I pray your Easter was filled with Rebirth, Renewal and Resurrection, as was mine.

* Heartsong Retreats- two retreats a year for those infected and affected by HIV-AIDS
Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, Arkansas USA---

-------Marie looking on approvingly- Easter Vigil Service



  • At Wed Apr 22, 09:16:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Marie, Every one of these photos gives off it's own light as God is adored and glorified. The one with you and Michael in the window is a precious reminder of what Easter Resurrection is all about. I know it was probably taken on an earlier day, but just the way the light is reflected tells its own story of the your journey, which includes Michael.It expresses God's plan unfolding.It is wonderful to keep seeing the movements of liturgical grace continue on through out the years with new friends reenacting and extending it forward. It is difficult to picture you, Marie, away from this community. Each new blog entry seems to express roots growing deeper and branches wider. Your being appears so content and accepting. It is as if you finally know that when ever God is allowed free reign in your life, you are at home. That is why for all the many of us who know you in various settings through out your life, all sense Christ's love for us flowing through you. We are connected. It makes me want to open my heart and mind more to all the possibilities of what adventures can unfold, daily, when actively consenting to passionately embracing our place in the 'family', in the work of His Kingdom, here and now.
    Peace and resurrection joy and alleluhas to you. Let us continue to walk, kindred souls toward Pentecost, when our hearts are re kindled, once again with the power and direction of the Holy Spirt. Love you sister in Christ, mary


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