News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007



As I mentioned in the previous blog, I have been sick for a few days with an elevated temp, body aches, etc. Well, I am fine now but anxious to tell of the gift I received in the midst of this illness:
It was Sunday, the first day I was without an elevated temperature and could amble about the house a bit, when I heard a knock on my back door. With my more than usual peaked complexion, fuzzy bathrobe and, un-brushed hair(for days) , I opened it to find two sweet children that I recognized from the AIDS Orphans Saturday Program, but off hand couldn’t remember their names, when to my surprise their mother “Maria Goretti” popped her head around the corner.
I was flabbergasted to say the least! Not only had she and the children walked several miles to visit me, because they heard I was sick, but Maria looked so beautiful in traditional yet dressy garb, glittering headband and all.,
When I caught my breath, I invited them into my sitting room,. Maria examined each photo; asking questions, while her children did the best they could to translate .what I was saying to their mother. Then, as if on cue, another knock brought Sr. Bonnie, also looking stunning in a yellow floral traditional garb.
Bonnie was much more able (much more able?) to translate than the children and we all had a wonderful visit. They were so beautiful and it was such a personally special moment for me, that even in my illness, I had to take their photos, which I am sure you are admiring right now.!
Maria ends each visit with a prayer and today it was her turn (thank God!). I could tell in the beginning it was common prayers as Bonnie and the children prayed with her but there was a spontaneous prayer at the end that .Bonnie translated to me as ---thanking God that we were all together, that I was getting well, but mostly that I had come from so very far away to help her and other people sick with AIDS.
There are tears in my eyes as I write this and I recall the name of the book that Maria’s story is taken from ”Tears of Hope” I pause, wipe away these holy tears and replace them with a smile, recalling Mother Teresa’s words “We want to create Hope for the person with AIDS, and acceptance in the heart of the people We must give Hope, alwaysHope, and remove the bitterness that is harming them when they have been avoided by others.”
Today Maria’s generosity of spirit gifted me with ” Hope “. Tomorrow, with Gods help, may I pass it on!
Hope is contagious!!


  • At Wed Aug 22, 03:47:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It is amazing to me how community is lived out where you are, Marie. I am so glad you are feeling better, as I was only just aware of your illness with todays blog reading. I've been quite involved with matters of the heart and my friend Patti, and her family. Yesterday, I spent a lot of time there after work and in the evening.
    However, you have been in my prayers, again in the last week, and now catching up on 'blog life', I understand why. Those near and far are mysteriously connected. What a blessing to have Grace there as your companion and friend. The uplifting, hopefilled greeting and visit from Maria and Sr. Bonnie and the kids probably chased away any germ left.
    You are right "hope is contagious" and it is the evidence of precious and simple trust.
    Thank you for the pictures. I so wanted to be able to take a walk with you from your house to work. It maid me feel like this was a bit of a "sunshine acres" village.
    The "birdie" with the outrageous proper name sort of looks like a peacock if a very stong wind came and blew the feathers off.
    I bet you are counting the days for the new arrivals to appear...
    HEY, I LOVE YOUR BLOGS JUST THE WAY THEY ARE....that's my 2 cents. And of course the jabbers x 3 are just a perfect free flow form of connecting. Thank you for, mj

  • At Tue Aug 28, 12:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My Rose,
    Sad to hear that you were sick but extremely happy that you have managed to ko keep the hope alive although contagious. I only arrived from Kampala yesterday and had not got a chance to open your blogs. Thank God that you have succeeded in establishing some relations. Among Africans, to hear that a friend is sick, the other also feels somehow sickly and no matter what it takes, going to check on the other sick friend becomes more or less mandatory. That is why if you are very observant, hospitals sometimes become meeting places for friends. How about the mother lady who has just delivered? Have you witnessed caravans coming to meet her even with traditional musical drums? In most cases: "we are because others are; and since others are, therefore we are." How about the 'birdie'? Hm!-Thorn


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