News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Ellie talking to Marie (in Africa!) on the phone.

For: Ellie and Carolyn----- Party Time!!

Yesterday, July 28, 2007 was not only the celebration of my dear friend Carolyn’s 50th ( opps 40+ 10 ) Birthday . Actual date the 27th, but Carolyn and her twin sister Terese needed a sat. night for this major event. Think about it, whether you add 50 + 50 or 40 + 10 x 2, ya still get 100 years old. Now that is something to celebrate!!

While those festivities were being planned in California, the “Ellie” party was already underway in Uganda.

For those of you who have been following my Blog site , this is old news but for the newcomers, let me tell you about Ellie Lambert: She first contacted me a couple of months ago with a desire to help the children in Africa. She had been saving her money (needing to hide it from her brothers-ha) and asked me how she might use it to help the children in Uganda, since she had been told by “Mrs. Carolyn” that I was here as a medical missionary. I consulted with my supervisor Sr. Justine, and gave Ellie several suggestions. She chose to purchase a 14 year old boy’s “best needs”, which consists of a mattress, sheets, a towel, one spoon, a cup and dish, as well as a trunk to put his belongings in, plus a few minor items like a basin to wash his clothes in, toothpaste and brush and soap. These are the items needed in order to go to boarding school, which Godfrey will start in the beginning of the year.

Godfrey lost his Dad to AIDS, so his mother struggles with school fees and feeding her children, making this quite an opportunity for Godfrey. Although he is the third of five children, he is the first to go to school, which in itself is something to brag about. But now an opportunity to attend Boarding School, gives him a real chance for a future his mother could only dream about for him a month ago.

Now Ellie and Godfrey (a 12 yr. old girl from America and a 14 year old boy from Uganda) have become pen pals and may be friends someday. In itself it is a happy story but there is more, as Ellie decided she wanted to do even more to help the AIDS Orphans.

So, she purchased a box full of party decorations and with that and enough money to buy each child “sweets” an “Ellie” Party was planned and executed yesterday, July 28th

Not to give too much away, but it was a major success! I expected up to 90 children and 100 showed up. While the children were at lunch, I, my helper Grace and several male and female nursing students decorated the Public Health Building with crepe paper, balloons and decorations of every color and, of course, there were “Sweets”. Each child received one homemade cupcake(you can’t buy them here) and one bottle of soda pop. Then to the gift booth where each child received a small toy, jewelry or mechanical drawing box.

Now, that sounds pretty good all by itself, but in truth that is when the fun really started. Music, music, music supplied by a nursing student with a great set up and just the kind of music the children could (and did) dance to for hours .Calypso!!!! Unbelievable!

I have never seen anything like it---these children from age 2yrs (Justine’s little Olivia) to about 15 years had the time of their lives. There were three little 5 year old girls who never stopped, elbows raised, hips a swaying, too precious to believe.

I took a zillion picture, but will only include a few (perhaps more on a quiet week-ha). But what breaks my heart is not being able to send the mini-video’s for your viewing. I will make a CD for Ellie because she just has to see when they all yell in unison ”Thank you Ellie!”., and when they, again in unison yell CALYPSO!!!. I even taught them a Train Dance (Calypso style, of course). Truly, a good time was had by all!

As my helpers, the Nursing Students, assisted me in sweeping and cleaning up the party mess, I thought of all those 100 children walking several miles to get home and I am sure not one of them was complaining, as I was, about how tired they were-ha.

Thank you, dear Ellie, for your generosity and kind heart. You have given these children that have been orphaned by one and sometimes both parents from AIDS, a day to remember-- for always.

I think you, single handedly, have increased Americas status in Uganda immeasurably, while adding a smile to the face of over 100 of Gods’ precious children..

Until next time,


Marie dancing with the Children!


  • At Thu Aug 02, 08:08:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wonderful job, Marie!! You made it all happen really and I thank you. Much Love, Carolyn

  • At Fri Aug 03, 01:55:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh Marie...what a day for a day dreaming girl......So much joy and spontaneous combustion!!!!! Thank you for bringing these two kids together in a most tangible way. That is still the best form of healing and good will. One person connecting to another, with respect and compassion. We need to let loose and play at times. You sent along an email with the message that George Carlin wrote after his wife died. There is alot of wisdom and authentic reflection. I have re read it a number of times and hope this year to continue the journey of simplicity, sincerity, gratitude and passionate/compassionate being. I think the "passionate" part is about who we are and the "compassionate" aspect about what we are and do with others: an inside/out result of abandonment to an awesome and loving God and a trust in our ability to connect with others in a meaningful way.
    That's who you are and what you do and that is why your friends and those you serve, celebrate life with you and rejoice. Thank you, once again, brave and gentle trail blazer on the pathway of the heart's terrain.....much love, mj


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