News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby Brenda Survives and Thrives

---------- Let me tell you this amazing story as simply and clearly as I am able: It was the very end of August and I had just returned from a horrendous return trip from the States to Uganda.------While in Public Health, I noticed a rather ill looking womam with a very tiny baby in her arms----After some questioning I found that the mother was admitted in the Medical Ward with Congestive Heart Failure and had managed to bring her baby over to be immunized. --------------Mama Alfia and Baby Brenda 3 weeks ago

Only 6 weeks old at the time the baby was obviously very frail and starving, as Mom had little or no breast milk because of her illness.---------------At the same time Sanne, a young new RN from Sweden and I deliberated how to nourish this baby and still maintain hopes that the mother would regain her health sufficiently to again breastfeed her child.--------In the WHO (World Health Organization) book, a diagram was found how to tape an NG tube to a mothers breast, accomplishing two things 1) to nourish the baby with formula and 2) to stimulate the mothers milk, as the baby sucked on the nipple, so that she might again start producing milk.-------So this is what we did, while teaching the mother this technique so she might continue when she was discharged from the hospital. --------In a few days Mom became stable enough to go home and the baby with her.-------In about 2 and 1/2 weeks they returned ,and although Mom was again showing signs of fluid buildup in her chest, she somehow managed to put her own discomfort and struggle aside, to show me the baby and give me a thank you gift -a LIVE Chicken!-------------------OK, I am not that much of a country girl and I was Not comfortable holding a potential dinner flapping in my arms ( sorry no pics of that moment-ha) but I was very grateful for her kindness. -----Unfortunately Baby Brenda had only gained a miniscule amt of weight ,but appeared quite alert and bright eyed.------Mom,on the other hand did not look or feel at all well.------Finding that Dr. Damian was in the hospital doing rounds, I requested he see her, which he happily did and renewed her heart medication, her lasix and her asthma medication .-----Mom had not returned to the Dr.'s because of lack of funds, so while my helper Bernedette conversed with Mom, I had the prescriptions filled at our hospital pharmacy. ----Then the decision had to be made how to put some weight on this frail little being of less than 5 lbs at 2 mo.of age. I suggested Mom supplement her breast milk and NG/breast feedings with a couple of formula bottles a day, teaching her how to feed with a bottle , which she picked up quite easily

Mom and Brenda today , all packed up and ready to go home.

This is the page from the WHO book describing the technique we used -- very successfully!
Well, today, 2and 1/2 weeks later, they returned for follow up and it was a day to celebrate life in it's purest form!
Baby Brenda had gained 1and 1/2 lbs and Mom looked great! Mom's name is Alfia and she said she felt fine and was without symptoms (though her future prognosis is not good) and Baby Brenda---well--it brought tears to my eyes to see the improvement ; not just in weight gain but strength, as well.---------------------------------------------------- Sanne, the swedish nurse I mentioned earlier had just returned from an extended trip thru other parts of Africa with her new husband Cliff , so I anxiously tracked her down to come and see Brenda and Alfia.

------------This time Mom had brought me a huge (very heavy) basket of potatoes, which she had carried on her head, while Baby Brenda was strapped to her back. I "tried" carrying them on my head from Public Health to my home (causing gales of laughter from the local woman ) but they were just too heavy and even with nothing else in my arms, I was a huffin' and a puffin' by the time we reached my home.-------

------------Mom Alfia is doing very well and has the most beautiful smile, which her baby Brenda mimics to a tee. We all shared some time together, some tears of joy and laughter and off they went with another can of Nan (baby formula) in tow. It was a glorious day of Survival, friendship and ,as I said before, deep gratitude.

--Taken just today with Sanne (with Nan formula) Mom Alfia(with Baby Brenda) and me (with potatoes)

---There are many stories in one within this blog: Survival (absolutely) but also friendship and gratitude and JOY, just pure joy!


  • At Thu Oct 22, 08:18:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Astounding story, Marie. Mostly, because it is true! It represents so much of what is great and heroic in people. On another note, are women shorter there, due to years of carrying heavy wait upon their heads and posible reducing space between vertebrae? I can see you trying to haul those potatoes on yours. Thank you for sharing all of this with us...Love, mj

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