News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Friday, October 17, 2008

-----HIV Testing Outreach to Bubuywe

--This is our workspace: When we have all our stuff out and ready to go--the people arrive, sometimes in droves, sometimes one by one. It often depends on how well they have been "mobilized" before hand.
---Here you can see our hospital vehicle--that is the sign for the local people to leave the field and start trekking to the Health Center for Testing
--When we arrived in Bubuywe, we found that the doors were all locked except this one, which had no door. It became our work space-smile. No electricity, no water, minimal light from a small window, but lots of wasps to keep us company-ha
--So beautiful and so hilly, yet people walk miles to the Health Unit to be tested.
--This is Godfrey, one of the Lab Techs, who assists me in the HIV Testing . Here he tests a local woman.
-----No matter what, I manage to get a bit of Pink in my life-smile. Note the pink flowered plastic tablecloth.
--Here I am testing one of the health care workers. Note the door leaning on the wall in the back? That's why we were able to use this room--it didn't have any door, let alone a locked one-smile
--This awesome view is one of the things that make the often long arduous drives over bumpy roads worth the trip.
-Some have asked about the Determine Rapid HIV Tests we perform while on Outreaches. Note the red line on the top of each test--that is the control. Note number 134, which also has a red line thru the bottom of the test. That indicates a positive response. We then do a second test called Stat-Pac and if that is positive, then the person is considered HIV+, if it is negative, there is a third tie breaker called Uni Gold.


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