News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Friday, September 05, 2008


Dear Friends

Lots to tell but not much time, so I have just sent a couple of pics to make you smile. Here is Michael resting safe and sound on my back. Precious, huh? Not so in the getting there, as the other shots will show.
These pics really crack me up! The visiting girls ask me to show them how I carried Michael on my back-Ugandan style. Well what I couldn't see until I saw these photo's was the look on Michael's face-HA
I am able to tell that Michael knows I am new at this and he is very tolerant, but these pics show a look that says "Does she have a clue what she is doing? O, dear God, please don't let her drop me!"
OK, some of you may know I have a cervical disc problem, which occasionally causes me mega-pain. Mostly I keep it under control with stretching exercises, yoga and not lifting heavy objects. This particular day, I was in pain, not knowing only 3 days later I would be diagnosed with pneumonia.
My wonderful Dr. Kim in La. California, had gifted me with the set of "Cupping Technique" therapy, which works on the same principle as acupunture. ------- It really works!
Since I can't reach my back and Michael seemed unwilling to learn how to do it (smile), a dear Nursing student and friend-- Jennifer, offered to try. Well, it definitely helped as I was able to go on an Outreach the next day and test 169 people! Unfortunately by the next day, I knew I was really sick and the achy-ness was not just my chronic neck/back discomfort, but the start of the Pneumonia which soon inhabited my left lung.
In any case, I recoverd very quickly following three nights of IV antibiotics, but as I mentioned previously Michael did not respond and was then admitted in the Pediatric Ward and treated successfully for Maleria, as well as pneumonia. Bless his little 16lb. body.
This picture of me getting this Asian therapy with Michael looking on, belies how very sick we both really were. What fun!


  • At Sat Sep 06, 12:17:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Geez, Marie, The 'hickie cups' have reemerged! And on the net, yet! I will never, ever, ever forget the episode of Carol and I strategically placing these on you during a night of excruciating pain on the eve of your commissioning, in California. We were so concerned and with all the loving energy flowing through us, followed your instructions and applied these, only to have you end up bruised and looking like a herd of 'portugese men o war' jelly fish had used you as their landing zone. For you folks out there who are unfamiliar with these. They really do work. I think it's because they distract you from the actual pain as you now focus on hoping your insides don't end up outside. Anyway, NOW I can laugh and you can laugh, but at the time, I felt like I had committed some form of abuse and had maimed you for life. A nurse vows to 'do no harm', and sister, when we were done, I was ready to turn myself in.... So, good for you, you ole trusting one. Since "faith is the substance of things hoped for".....I am so glad in your case your faith delivers, smile. Love you bunches and continue to pray with you for all your concerns, needs and heart, mj P.S. loved the pictures of Michael riding 'piggy back.' That's some manuevering!

  • At Mon Feb 02, 09:43:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ohhh I loved reading over this....It brought me back to Bushara!


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