News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

--- Sunday- A Family Kind of Day

Dear Friends

Michael and I are overwhelmed by your generosity. Lots of things arrived for Michael last week and friend Bill, from Nashville, beat the pack with his earliest package of a 5 pk of onesies the week before.

Special Thanks to my Heather for a surprise box of formula, a few items for me and even a stuffed little monkey as Michaels first and only toy.

Thank you Rebecca and Carol for all the mini clothes for Michael, including booties, receiving blankets hats, bibs, formula and even some preemie outfits

Yesterday, Sunday, Michael spent the afternoon at my home. What fun!! Bert, who arrived from China on Thur. evening and Emmanuel , my local friend from Kisoro, made four for a really nice day of sharing stories and a good fish dinner (photos included). Feeding Michael while Bert gave Emmanuel a photo tour of his last 2 + months in China, gave me a sense of “family” that I haven’t felt for a long time.

I have been thinking a lot about “family” and what that means to me: As a child and young woman, it all came so naturally, with kind generous and o, so funny parents. We pretty much took for each other for granted the “specialness: of being together on holidays. Today with my parents and Coleen in the heavens and the distance from Theresa, Heather and Jolie, I need to create an environment which allows friends (old and new) to fill that space.

Bert Self, will be here thru Christmas as we attempt to create a Ugandan American experience that will make the Holiday Season of 2007 a memorable one. We started with a photo session of Michael and Mamma Michael (me ).adorned in festive holiday attire. It was quite successful and the prize photo will head my Christmas blog, hopefully next week. I am feeling and looking good these days and it shows in these photos. Thirty pounds certainly makes a difference but it is caring for a baby, with beautiful brown globes in contrast to my own blue eyes , that adds that unique glow .

Special thoughts and prayers to my dear friend Bonnie Walker and son Jay as they bury their husband and father Dennis, this week.

And birthday love to my friend Br. Bob Smith who is celebrating his day in Bethlehem where he has been called to serve for the next several years by the “Christian Brothers”, serving as Vice President for Academic Affairs, at Bethlehem University.

I don’t want to mislead anyone that the threats of Ebola are not a concern, but for now my area is unaffected and I believe we will remain so. Hopefully things will be quieted soon and no others will need to die from this plague.

Blessings of renewed faith and the anticipation only Advent can bring as we await His Presence bursting into our World as a new born babe.


My three "guys" hang out together
Baby Michael in Berts arms while Emmanuel views Berts China photos.------- Marie and Bert enjoy a Fish Dinner and each others company


  • At Tue Dec 11, 08:44:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Marie, What lovely pictures and they relay so much. An Advent peace, hope, joy and openness are evident. Isn't this what it's all supppose to be about? It is all right there with you: the welcome and the preparing the heart and home to receive, behold and share.
    I think it's beautiful that Christ in the heart of the child, Michael, has already come to you. This is just one more evidence of God's outrageous love. His love showers upon you in so many ways. You are tuned in to recognize love's divine visitations. You delight in them and I think that's why God loves to bless you because this makes his heart glad.
    Your "yes" is your own personal 'Magnificate" this season and you have a jump start in that the manger of your heart is already well prepared. You are giving Michael and yourself a sense of family - in the truest sense.
    This will probably be the most profound, simple and blessed Christmas of your life. To add to it a beloved friend, Bert, is truly another amazing gift. Knowing how you are truly present in any given moment,we will most likely soon hear of wonderful joy bursts and celebrations. You don't have to let "homesickness" spoil your peace - for you are already at home in His Heart.
    Those of us who are now the ones in far away playes will be sending lots of love and good will your way. Thank you for sharing the love. mj

  • At Thu Dec 13, 08:30:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You look absolutely radient. You have the love in your eyes of a new mother. I so enjoy hearing of your life experiences. My heart smiles to see the joy flow in your through your writing and in your pictures. It appears to me that this was a Sunday to remember for years to come. I wish I could have been a guest at your table. May you have a blessed Christmas and glorious New Year. Until we meet again. Bless you.


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