News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

- Today is a Michael Day---continues

Dear Friends

On Sunday when I entered the “Today is a Michael Day” , I accidentally left out
A paragraph, which I will include today, along with yet other photo's of the most adorable of babies---Michael himself(smile).

This photo looks like he is having a Vision-smile. In truth he is mesmerized by his mobile, ala hanging toys from my mosquito net. (I have definitely learned to improvise since I have been in this country.

Well Michael acted like a true celebrity, looking at each girl as they greeted him and left their money in the basket. He even bestowed a couple of his heartbreaking smiles on them and chose to stand up in my lap for a good 4 minutes or so. In short, he charmed everyone there, if they weren’t already taken with the miracle of his birth and survival.

There was lots of clapping, singing and shouts of “Michael we love you”. Michael never cried or even seemed particularly overwhelmed with the adulation. He pretty much took it as his right, which is partially my fault, as I treat him as the Little Prince he is (smile).

At the end of Mass, Fr.ask that I might say a few words, so I thanked them and all the people at St. Francis as well as all my friends in the States that had sent him clothes and formula, while continuing to keep Michael and his future, as well as his present, in their prayers .I don’t recall exactly what I said. but I mentioned something about my Anglican (Episcopal), as well as Catholic, friends that had been so supportive .. This prompted Fr. John to a post Mass mini sermon about how we all all Children of the same God, we are all one family, whether Christian, Protestant (or as they say Pro-tess-tant) or Moslem. When he was finished I was tempted to shout AMEN! , but being a cradle Catholic, kept it to a bare whisper (smile)

----- Michael napping in his bed.

PS. Monday Michael was weighed, when he received his third of a series of required Immunizations. He now weighs Eleven pounds ( you read this correctly 11 lbs!!!)


  • At Wed Apr 09, 09:35:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dear Marie, One of the most amazing and realistic developments from your care for Prince Michael, and the village that supports you both with encouragement, is that this is the evidence of love lived out. It means that any individual, anywhere, can thrive if simply given the basics of human kindness and the essentials of food, water, shelter and connection. So very, simple. It should not stop any of us, when we consider the numbers globally and feel insignificant in doing anything to change the way things are. Truth is, you focused on ONE person. This is one in a string of many recipients who have received Christ's love through you, throughout your life. Your gift is that you let nothing, no excuse, limitation or obstacle deter you. You simply saw, responded and were willing. It didn't take a lot of money - it just took a simple "yes". So, once again, thank you for the way you set the bar in the most wonderful, authentic and inspirational ways. You can do this, because you absolutely trust in the ONE who will never abandon you and will always provide a way. You are so connected to His outrageous love for you and others. Thank you, dear friend. May all of our remaining days grow stronger in grace and goodness. May each of us be willing to show up and fully participate in life. No longer spectators or sitting safely on the side, but just jump in and rejoice. Love you sister in Christ, mj P.S - sent you a very long 'catching up' email. Hope it came through. Tried to send Pictures, but my goofy computer program didn't let them go through on email.


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