News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Thanksgiving That Never Was -

----- Mama Michael and Baby Michael--November 2007
Repost of a Blog written November 2007--------------St. Francis Hospital-Mutolere-Uganda

This title may seem a bit misleading but ,in truth, I did miss Thanksgiving altogether. You see I am the only American Missionary in Kisoro and I thought Thanksgiving was always the last Thur. in November, not the fourth (which is usually the last, but not this time). Anyway, Thur. is my day off so I went to Kisoro and shopped and spent several wasted hours on the Internet as it all disappeared before my very eyes. I did hear young visiting Americans speak of Thanksgiving but thought they were referring to next week.
I arrived home at 8 pm and received a wonderful phone call from all my fellow missionaries in Nychabale (several hours away) wishing me a "Happy Thanksgiving!"
When I realized they were not joking, I laughed myself to sleep thinking of my parents in the heavens who ,I imagined, were also laughing at my mistake.
But don't cry for me Argentina or anywhere else for that matter, as I will celebrate my Turkey Day on sunday the 26th , only I'll cook chicken and have Baby Michael with me all day (in my own home). Also Fr. John will join me for dinner, so it should be a lovely, if not unusual, Thanksgiving day for me.
I am indeed thankful for each one of you who might be reading this blog.

It is all very exciting and I feel honored to be a part of this process. Between caring for Baby Michael, doing Outreaches, an occasional Home visit and frequent visits from my pt and new friend Maria Goretti, as well as remaining active on the Quality Assurance Team for ARV’s (though I have retired from being Chairperson-smile) and my regular job giving Immunizations to the many babies that come into Public Health daily, it is no wonder that I have lost some 30 pounds of unneeded fat-Ha.
In the beginning I lost weight because I couldn’t find food I liked but now I think it is ALL the walking I do every day.. In America we are so used to hoping into our car and driving every where (even to the mailbox) but here it is only shoe leather that gets me around, except once a week when I hire a car to drive me to Kisoro to shop and use the Internet Café

Marie (me) and Maria Goretti-forever friends of my heart...
Portion of a letter I sent to my dear friend Mary Johns

Dear Mary ------November 22, 2007
I was so happy to receive your email, not hearing from you is disconcerting for me.
Somehow you are a link for me between “all my worlds” and when I don’t hear from you I get them all mixed up and make stupid decisions or get off balance (have you a clue what a “glue” you are for me?)
.My life is soooo full! Michael takes up a lot of my “spare” time and most of my heart. I go to the Nursery in the Maternity Ward to feed him several times a day.. Most of the nurses are great, they have named me “Mama Michael” . Michael weighs 1.8 kg now x 2.2 = 3.6 lbs and is 4 months old! He is strong and amazingly healthy and though strong willed (needs to be to survive) is a gentle little soul. I really don’t know what will happen in his future. I try to give him and the situation to God every night and pick it up, again, in the morning. I, Mama Marie, would take him temporarily or permanently in a millisecond, but. I want what is best for Michael, not my heart or my ego., that is why I keep giving it to God.
We did get permission from the grandmother to baptize him, so one way or the other I’ll be his godmother. I am hoping Cynthia can find the Christening outfit worn by my sister Theresa some 53 years ago and Heather and many other babies over the years. I had it in a frame, hanging on my bedroom wall, so it should be with my other pictures frames etc. Wouldn’t that be awesome to dress him in that much used, much blessed little dress? No hurry as he is still too small for it-ha.
I can’t express the calmness and joy I feel when holding and feeding Michael. It is as if for that short time I feel completely “whole” “at One with the Universe” He looks at me and I don’t see a baby but rather my savior ,my god. It is all so profound ,words cannot begin to explain ….. All these years I have fought the concept that a person, any human person, could “complete” me: Certainly no man ever could or even my genuine love for Heather, or my precious Laney, but for an hour or so a day,, holding and feeding Michael, I do feel that “wholeness”. What a gift!!
Yet, and this is the part that is hard to describe, I am perfectly willing to let him go to his extended family to live and grow up , if that is what God wills for him. I feel such an unselfish love for him and respect for his battle to live when the odds are against him, that I don’t want to do anything to mess up his “mission” in this life, hopefully I will only enhance
Gotta run, take formula to Michael (they do not have refrigeration in the hospital) , then off to Kisoro to shop and send this to you..
--------------------------Much love and many blessings from Uganda
----------------------------------Missionary Marie.

--------HIV Testing-Uganda


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