News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Freedom Day- -Youth Day!!!!

What a week! Friday was a holiday celebrated by all south Africans, but specifically for the children. Freedom Day remembers 30 years ago when the youth rebelled against the oppression of apartheid and schooling which controlled exactly what they learned and didn’t learn..

I re-saw a movie I had seen years ago starring Whoopie Goldberg called “Sarafina”. Which tells, in a musical form, one view of this struggle. I did not appreciate the movie at the time I saw it but now I see the struggle thru very different eyes.

Do yourself a favour and rent it, as it has been redigitalized and is quite moving.
The older girls sang all the songs, both South African and from the soundtrack. It made for a full South African experience.

The assessments were quite intense this week, as Corine included a thorough examination. I found several children with anal warts, which indicate either past or(hopefully not) present sexual abuse. So sad but so true. We do treat such abuse both physically but, more importantly, psychologically. These wonderful children, with smiles to melt your heart, deserve neither the abuse nor the HIV+ status that often accompanies the abuse

I learned a lot this week, such as to take runny noses seriously when a child is on antiviral meds, as a cold can quickly go into a pneumonia. I also learned how resilient these lovely children are and how easily they share with each other

The two little ones that I would easily sneak into my suitcase are both named Simon, though the 3 yr. old goes by Sufundo (I originally thought it was Mufundo) . The 2 yr.. o ld Simon has been on ART (HIV cocktail) for two weeks now and we are beginning to see some improvement. In the past they have treated the TB first, followed by the HIV tx. , but since we have recently lost several babies it was decided to switch the approach with Simon. The idea is to build up his immune system so he can better fight the TB. Today he had a runny nose so Corine will follow it up since he is on antivirals(note the previous paragraph-smile)

A cd of pics has been made and sent to Carolyn and Carol .Hopefully one of my talented friends will be able to upload a few choice pics for you all to see.

The “Vanderbilts”(not completely true as Jenny goes to Princeton) leave this Thursday for the states. It will be strange without their amazing youthful energy.
They have included me in Kruger Park and shopping, as well as taught me more about this computer than I ever wanted to know-smile.

All for now, my friends. So much to do to prepare for AIDS Clinic tomorrow.

Freedom and Blessings to you all,



  • At Wed Jun 21, 11:48:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I recently subscribed to Netflix, and so today I ordered "Sarafina". Maybe we can have a group screening?

    The meditation is in another post.

    Keep up the good work!
    Love, Jennifer


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