News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Kruger National Park

Hi Friends,
Sorry I am days late on this blog, but it is only because I have so much to tell you about.
Sparrow continues to feel more like home every day. I feel(and am)needed here and each child's smile or hug is more than enough payment to happily greet the next day.
Sadly, we have had another death of a baby. Sweet Zenkle and her mom were so sick last week that we were unable to handle it, despite oxygen, and even an IV for hydration. It seems that again, the virus was too pervasive in her little body to fight and she will be buried tomorrow somewhere near her family home.
Mom seems to be better and able to handle the loss, but we have a new young, incredibly dear volunteer named Emily, who is struggling with the loss of the baby she had so quickly bonded to and held for hours the first week she arrived..
I continue to “assess” over 158 children a week. I have to say it is a good way to get to know all the children, though I can only say ½ their names and remember about 1/3 of them. I have fallen in love with a 3 yr old named Mufundo. His smile melts my heart and makes me reconsider my thoughts of never adopting a child. Of course, apparently that is not a concern as the USA has failed to sign some adoption agreement with South Afrca and they can not be taken out of this country (HIV+ or not.) I know we adopt children from many countries, so I am not sure what that is all about. Perhaps my researchers Carol B. or Larry W. could find out for me--smile--
We have a wonderful group of young volunteers from Vanderbilt University. I call them the “kids”. What a joy their energy has been! They help me with the assessments, play with the babies and tutor the kids after school.
Last weekend they planned a trip to Kruger National Game Park, and insisted I join them, though it meant squishing 6 people into a rented car designed to hold 5. What a treat for me.
I so enjoyed our weekend at Kruger!! We arrived Friday night and made plans for a St. morning game drive. Cris, Nicole, Johanna and Jenny chose a walk while Supria and I chose a leisurely drive-ha. Our guide drove us for about 3 hrs. (5am-8am) : We saw am amazing sunrise and so many wild animals: An elephant family of Mom, Dad and Baby makes three walked casually across our road; rhinos, kudus, giraffes and even a lioness from a distance. Interestingly enough seeing about 50 deer resting quietly near our cabin was a highlight for me. It was pitch dark and I was walking to the meeting place at 4 am when I felt their presence before I even saw them. It was extraordinary! They were not afraid of me and it felt as if I could sit amongst them and they wouldn’t have cared. I did take a couple of pictures but they didn’t come out well. Speaking of photos, Jenny put all my 200+ photos on our computer. Next we’ll transfer them online so you all can see them. There are even even videos of the animals and the kids. Soon, I promise, my friends.
I am well and happy. Just started doing some Yoga again,-Yahoo!!! Sarahs CD is great but the DVD’s are different and I am unable to play any DVD’s from the states.
Again I request Neurontin to be sent here, as it is unavailable here (and so needed.)
I received two boxes this week (thanks Carolyn and Jennifer!) Now I have my camera-computer connection, my CPR certification(ha), a bag of my favorite pink Canada mint(I WANT MORE!!!)and a zillion balloons for the kids.
More soon--------Many Blessings



  • At Tue Jun 13, 03:35:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good to know you are working hard and having some fun, too. I can't imagine keeping all of those names straight, but you probably know more about those children's spirits than anybody. The wild game viewing sounds wonderful. How great that you are surounded by such great energy.

    I will tell Sarah that you are doing a little yoga. She will be very happy.

    Lots of love,


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