News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

AIDS Orphans Party--- Ms.Ellie Style

=================Marie and the kids------------

Dear Friends

Remember last July when Ms.Ellie Lambert sent items and money to give the AIDS Orphans a party? Well Carol, Bill and I followed her wonderful example and did likewise.

They had a great time, eating cake and drinking soda from crazy straws, but mostly the dancing! Thanks to my friend Emmanuel, the kids had the best of Calypso, as well as Ugandan music and we (me included) danced our socks off. (Which again is a misnomer as rarely do they wear shoes, let alone socks) But no matter, they danced and danced and danced!

Blue in color not in mood-smile

Bill made the observation that you would never know from their ability for “Joy” what difficult situations they came from and would soon return home to. He is right, it is a lesson in” living in the present”, which I personally seem to need reminders of every so often.

Unfortunately a lengthy and wonder-filled explosion of that Joy was, accidentally,lost when the video was taped over, but I do have some snapshots of the beautiful faces who attended the gathering.

Nursing student and friend Jennifer and Marie---------------------Pretty in Pink and Green

----------------Two Pretty Girls----

Olivia watching as Marie picks up trash-smile----------Galetia in pink

-----------------------Carol and Julia-----

A funny thing is that no matter WHO happens to give a party for the children (and they are few and far between) the kids think all the parties are Ellie Parties-Ha
Well, I guess it is only fitting that the person whose heart was big enough to start such a tradition, should have them named after her. Thanks Ellie!

By the way, whoever sent me the giant set of JAX’S ( was that you Ellie?) thank you so much and send more! The kids love to play and two balls and 14 Jax’s requires a good bit of sharing between 100 kids-Ha. They have a variation on Jax’s but both the Jax’s and the ball are stones, so it took them a bit to get used to the bouncing ball

I was admittedly pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t lost my skills in the game and made it all the way up to four-sees before I messed up. Most assuredly I gained a few point with the under 10 years old set for that accomplishment (smile)
-----------------------------MARIE-------------. .

. .

========== Children eating lunch -African style - serving the children lunch

Olivia and two friends


  • At Sun Jun 01, 09:52:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thank you Ms. Elle Lambert for your spontaneous combustion. What a marvalous ripple effect. They say that "love is the gift that keeps on giving." and "it only takes a spark to keep the fire glowing". So, sparkle friend of Marie's and many, you continue to touch many lives and enlarge our capacity for kindness. Peace and joy be with you, blessed one.
    This reminded me of the l950's when they were trying to educate kids in America about the atoms and multiplying etc, along with hiding under desks if a Nuclear Bomb exploded. I'll never forget the illustration used to teach this concept....In a room were a kazillion mouse traps all with ping pong balls set in them. This scientist in a white lab coat stood up on this metal desk with one ping pong ball in his hand and said "look very carefully and learn". He then dropped that one down amidst the engaged mouse traps and in a matter of minutes ALL the ping pongs were sprung and bounching around setting off others and it was the most amazing sight to see. From that moment on, I understood the power of each tiny intention and act of compassion in having the ability and power to set off a whole wave of loving kindness. Ms Elle and you Marie, and Carol, Bill, Emmanuel, Sr. Justine, Marie, all the co workers, friends, and kiddos are all like that and my prayer is that we stay connected, engaged and fully animated in His love. mj


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