News from Africa, Arkansas and Anywhere I happen to be at the moment

Follow me as I "Celebrate the Journey" of my life: Recently in Kisoro Uganda,for three years as a medical missionary(Lay Mission working with those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS, Public Health and babies at risk. Presently,in Arkansas awaiting my next "Call" to service.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dear Friends June 13, 2007

We celebrated the most beautiful Mass here at St. Francis last Sunday. We had just received the tabernacle for the new church and how appropriate that we should celebrate it’s arrival on the “Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ”.

The nursing students made a walkway about a block long of flower petals and hues of different color earth, as a carpet for Fr. John to carry the Eucharist procession ally to the tabernacle. It was so beautiful and, of course, I didn’t have my camera.

I loved the daily reading by Sr. Joyce Rupp in the “Living Faith” book and so will included it Having read it before I attended Mass, made me so much more aware of all those around me and I marveled that in only3 months I feel so much apart of this community.

On June 15th, I have many guests coming from Nychabale to help us celebrate the Golden Jubilee of this hospital. Many of my fellow Lay Mission Helpers will stay with me and all will join me Friday evening for my first dinner party.(Diana, Jeff and Courtney and their three little one, Ellis, Marie and Gabby), As well as Trish, a nurse from Australia and Dr. Greg a dentist from California..

What fun I am having arranging sleeping accommodations, as well as food we will all enjoy and that I can find and prepare here. Wish me luck!

It should be quite a festive time as there are visitors from Holland (the Founding Sisters of St. Francis) as well as Germany, USA (that’s we missionaries-smile) and more.. I understand from Justine,, my Supervisor, that I will be very busy serving food and doing whatever I am asked to do. Since the children can not come on Saturday for AIDS Orphans Day, they are coming Friday afternoon to greet the visitors, as many of them are their school sponsors.

More later,


One Real Presence Permeating
Sunday June 10 The Body and Blood of Christ

He said the blessing….and gave them to the disciples set before the crowd. Luke 9:16

On the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, the focus is most always on the gift of the bread and wine , which becomes our spiritual nourishment. Another essential aspect of Eucharist is often forgotten or dismissed: the community who gathers to receive this great gift. God is present not only in the consecrated elements, but also in each person who gathers to receive the Eucharist. The crowd that the disciples fed with the five loaves and two fishes reminds us that the effectiveness of the miracle happens when the hungry people are fed. Likewise when we come forth and receive the Body and Blood of Christ, we carry this Treasure with us in the “earthen vessels” of our very selves. Let us take a clear, loving look at each person around us when we gather for Eucharist. Let awe and reverence arise in our hearts for the Christ who dwells within every one of us.


Sr Joyce Rupp O.S.M.


  • At Tue Jun 19, 12:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh Marie, Thank you for your Eucharistic reflection, first of all! This morning as Ken and I went to am Mass (we had not been for 6 days), we had just been through one of those long nights that can end up a true blessing but getting there can also be so agonizing. Tremendous grace is needed to draw upon. It was the type of night where we experienced many emotions as we processed some difficulties in our relationship and lives of our adult kids. We came to Mass, spent and so open to mercy, so very grateful for the power of reconciliation. We come through the door and a woman comes to us to ask if we would bring up the 'gifts' to the priest. I thought, "if only you knew what flawed and broken vessels you were asking". Well, the readings for today 6/19/07 and just the openess we both were experiencing, made this one of the most profound agape feasts ever shared as a couple and in a community. For the am mass is in the chapel, not the main sanctuary. In quiet reflection after receiving communion, I wept, realizing that if our precious savior, Jesus, can enter into our being, just as we are, with such love and compassion, how could we ever refuse to extend love to any other. Not only our friends and those who are easy to care for, but our shadow selves and enemies, as well..certainly His love can be offered, freely. It may not be understood, it may be rejected or cursed, but it CAN, it must, be offered. For we are each, in our utter poverty and sometimes wretched selfishness in great need His visitation and embrace. After all, He makes the first move. Love does that. It crosses the line and leaves self behind to bring and make peace with the other.Oh, the wonder of it all!
    We are awaiting part II of Maria's story. Thank you for sharing it with others. It deserves to be truly listened to, with the heart.
    We are praying for you as you celebrate with friends and extend the incredible, gracious, fun and lovely hospitality that only you, MARIE MCGEE, can pull off in your most extraordinary, life touching/transforming way. We have been such recipients and can only delight in that commaradarie you are immersing yourself in. Finally, 8 days ago your now one condensed care package was mailed...hurray! Unfortunately, BEFORE the latest 'suggestion list' came through email. If you can only use one or two things, we hope you enjoy the rest. They are meant to use around the apartment or with Violet or the kiddos. That's it for now. We send much love, MJ and KJ


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